

A few months ago, the late Mr. Bear suffered a horrible death by drowning.
We all mourned greatly for him.


Did you guys honestly believe that was the end? O.O
Awesome news! I have this feeling that Mr. Bear might be returning soon! XD

Now I'm gonna die.
Buh bye.

Chuck and Futsal

Admit it, you feel all warm and mushy about me!
Go ahead, say it, you love me,
John Casey!
- Chuck

Somehow the tv series, Chuck really appeals to me.. Just finished watching the 14th episode of Season 2 and now I'm not sure whether to continue watching megavideo's crappy out of sync video quality any longer.

But then again, it'll be 7 long weeks before AXN airs the 15th episode.. =S

Been playing futsal really often now that Ashvin's back. But I can't say that I share the same enthusiasm for futsal than I do with jogging, my shoes are broken thanks to futsal.

Getting afraid as school's returning soon, haven't even started exercising properly although I promised myself a few months ago that I was gonna start in December..


Weng's signing up for gym, I'm so proud of him. =D
I finally succeeded in blowing Barat's phone bill by answering his intended "overseas miss-calling" yesterday night.
This video, real or fake?


I laugh at the fact that we were publicly humiliated with our photos in the Low Yat forum, with the whole team being called noobs and -LYN- being amazingly glorified just because they beat a casual gaming team. 

Hell, they even made a transcript of the whole match that we were playing in.

They Are Gay.


Hmm, so Euvan, Weng, Andrew, Parvin, Gav and I went for the SAGC qualifiers this saturday in hopes of seeking world fame.

To our greatest of horrors, instead of the 16 teams that was listed in the official game's site, there were just 120 more people in addition. Say, about 40 teams were present.

The qualifiers were being held near One Utama, at Chronos Cafe which had a sufficient area to the promised 16 teams/80 people quota, but instead, was a hot sweaty prison for over 200 chinese gamers looking for gaming glory.

According to Euvan, he thinks the guy in the middle is on drugs

The marshals were kinda cool, the rules too. But lets not get into that because I know you wouldn't understand.. ;)

Anyway, we arrived there at around 9, but after hours and hours of waiting, we finally got to play at around 3.30 because our team's turn number was 35..

Gav, sadly didn't have a chance to play as he had to leave early at 2 for a wedding in Seremban.

While waiting for our turn to play, we built our confidence while watching noobs suck at the game. But when we finally got to play, our rivals were Low Yat sponsored gamers. They brought their expensive Razer mouses, custom pads, gaming keyboards and headphones.

We knew we were dead, first to 8 wins and we lost 8-0.

Humiliating, I know.
We took off hastily, causing Euvan to accidentally leave his jacket on his seat. He was reluctant to re-enter the cafe, afraid that the audience might start spitting on him.

Oh well, it was great experience after all.. =D


Aha! That's a new word I learned from Singaporean subtitles. I still don't know what it means though. After a few days in JB, I strangely find singaporean and indonesian actors alike extremely good-looking here.  I don't know why..

I had even come to like "Together", another singaporean series. Also due to the fact that it has the same production team as "Little Nyonya".

I'm starting to notice that Jackie Chan appears a lot on TV these days. No, he was not advertising Kaspersky by kicking viruses' butt this time. He was advertising Ba Wang shampoo. What has gotten into him?? The opening scene shows him and a girl practicing martial arts with swords and then later he used the sword to spread her hair. o.O

And that's only in one of the three advertisements that he starred in altogether. Lol! I still think that his best one was the Beijing 2008 Olympics Visa commercial.


Peanuts, only glorified XD


Currently I'm in JB for a wedding and won't be back till Sat. Kinda sucks that I'm gonna miss a couple of outings when I'm gone.. Oh wellz.

Argh, I find myself to be quite unlucky these days. Yesterday, I broke my mouse because the wire got caught by my door knob when I was carrying the laptop lazily without detaching the mouse.. And yesterday night, I accidentally pulled my phone violently while it was connected to the charger. So now my charger's gone too.. =.=

Right now I'm in coffee bean with Andrew alone killing time. (Yes, our parents don't love us) The wedding's about to begin in 2 hours.. So now i'm just gonna have a hard time playing SA with a stupid touch pad. =D


This cat nearly killed me


Last Day

Do you love, like, dislike or hate the fact that December is about to start? Today's the final day, and somehow I just feel like I have to make one final post before the month's over.

Claypot Chicken!

Holidays are like an up and down ride for me. Right now, I'm at the bottom.

Mild food poisoning baby!
It's so awesome I tell you.

Claypot chicken yesterday night was good, but the fresh orange juice poisoned me even better! =D

I'm losing track of my bowel, and my stomach feels hollow and painful. It's also nice because I get to visit the toilet many times in such a short period.

Went for futsal this morning. Ashvin's back from Aussieland. I accidentally texted my friend's father.
Yeah, that's about it..


On the day before last, I went to one of the most stressful places in my life for a late lunch at some food junction somewhere in Pudu. And by "late" I meant a lunch at 5 o' clock in the evening! Argh.

The place was supposedly famous for the best egg custard in town, or at least that was the fact back then in the 70's.

I knew that returning to that stinking hole 30 years later was a bad idea!
We certainly found nothing great about the food.

While I was eating my horrible curry mee,  something that I had least expected to happen in a place like this, happened.

 my nose started to bleed o.O

Yeah, it's a bit like those blood spots on the Scarpetta book which I bought a few months ago. I haven't really read it, but it's got a cool blood splatter on the cover that shines in the light. To any avid readers out there, I'm willing to give it away.. =D

My nose bled, i was stressed, and i had headache arghhhhhh!!! My mom almost used my bloody tissue to wipe the table, thank god i stopped her.  

Worst lunch ever.

6 Random Pics

Here are 6 random pics that I find .... quite nice. XD

Gav coming back from the drug test.. XD

I don't know what weng is trying to do here

6 Guys Take On Melaka


So what happens when you have 6 guys going on a budget vacation in Melaka? Well, a few of them may get in trouble with the authorities.

One of us even had to take a drug test. Hahaha!

I have a lot of time on my hands, that's why I'm crafting a super-duper-extra-uber-mega-awesome-long post about our trip! Since I don't wanna drown andrew's baked beans video, I summarized it.  Click the "read more" button. XD

Baked Beans!

Soo cute..

Aww.. isn't he adorable? I remember taking the video as though it was only yesterday.. =D (sort of). You see, even before his glory days of Mr. Bear and making disgusting-looking maggie noodles, he tried many times to achieve fame. This video is a failed example of his shot for fame.

Good thing Andrew doesn't know about this cause he would kill me if he did, that's why I'm posting it tonight, cause we're all going to Melaka for two days. XD

Prefect dinner was awesome! Really enjoyed it, performances were great, food was great, place was great, sound quality sucked.

Went out with Lydia and gang to Chilli's today to celebrate the last day of school for prefects. My new badge looks so shiny but too bad Fadhli dropped it on the floor and now it has a permanent scratch.

Followed them to BV later and ended up pissing off those dudes at Playtime because I refused to pay 30 bucks for Modern Warfare 2. XD


Table manners..

Just a quick update, this isn't the post I meant to be something I could get in trouble of..

Alright, I promise I'll do it for the next post! And I'm not giving false hope like what Euvan said. XD

So the rehearsals today was much better, synchronization, finishing, formation positions and all that.. Hope that we can pull it off tomorrow, especially since we only have one shot at it, obviously. =S

Shannon almost passed out when we were practicing a little too much today, found that strange but then later it was I who felt like passing out after following my sister around mid valley straight from school until 5 to get her dress and ended up buying nothing. =.=

I just discovered Kenny G, sort of, though I've heard of him before but only now am I really listening to his music.

Getting There

"pui yee, why did I let you go? =("

Yeah, we're getting there.. XD
Prefects dinner is in three days time and we finally learnt the whole choreography. All we need now is some polishing and mastering certain steps. My finger already hurts from all the snapping!

It's the 10th in America right now, I guess. The first  

gameplay videos of Modern Warfare 2 are already appearing on youtube and I can barely stop myself from watching them!

Also heard that a lot of people line up at midnight just to get those copies!

"wow...michael is a retard who goes to get a game at 12am and then stays home and plays it all day" - Sarah Tan
Damn, is the game really that good??

Anyways, enough about gaming shit, that stuff probably don't interest you.. What may interest you shall be coming in the next post, so lets just wait for it. XD
I might even get in trouble for it.. =S

Three Days Time

Nasi Goreng this, Nasi Goreng that..

Okay, there's this Kelantan-mixed-Terengganu style restaurant somewhere in Taman Tun. It serves pretty good food but its too bad not many people   

patronize it because of its location. It has more than 20 different styles of Nasi Goreng. XD

Had fun in Asthika's party yesterday night, except for one part where I was dared to dance to Thriller because they knew that I was rehearsing for the Prefect Dinner.. =(

We ran around the neighborhood barefooted with a bucket of water and now I have one small piece of stone embedded inside my foot sole. Argh!

Modern Warfare 2's coming out in three days time, (the 10th in America). It's the largest video game release of the year and the most pre-ordered title in GameStop history!! Wooh yeah!

Graduation '09

So my sis had her graduation this afternoon. I followed my parents straight from school to Bahagian Pendidikan dan Teknologi, brought the camera along too. But as soon as I got into the

hall, I felt so noob with all the other  SLR'S in the room, so I ended up only taking pictures of Penyu doing her long and uninteresting speech that actually made my father doze off. XD

Shortly before the menteri's speech, I went to the toilet and witnessed a teacher puking and then washing his hands before puking again into the sink. On my way out, Aneesha's father asked me if there was a place that he could buy a drink. I said I wasn't sure so he continued into the toilet. I then asked Jega about where the cafeteria was and ended up leading Aneesha's father there.

He was so kind and promised to buy me a drink. He opened the fridge and he asked me to choose. There were all kinds of carbonated drinks but I chose a bottle of mineral water being the modest person I am, *cough*.

After the national anthem was the Wilayah Persekutuan anthem because the WP menteri was there, my father thought it was some shit song and wanted to sit down until the he heard the lyrics "Wilayah Persekutuan", lol.

So I went to the toilet the second time after more stuff happened, and missed my sister's turn on stage. By the time I exited, I saw her walking off the stage with the certificate thing in her hand before being asked by another teacher to take pictures of her friend/colleague who was announcing the names at the time.

She passed me a slim-looking casual point-and-shoot camera to take with me to the front of the stage. So I went in front of the stage and looked completely outclassed by Jasmine's awesome looking SLR next to me (which wasn't hers and that made me feel slightly better =D)

I walked to the toilet for the third time, but this time to show Euvan to it. I told him the guy's toilet was at the girl's, and he believed. But Umi came out at the same time, told him otherwise and Euvan followed me through with a punch. My lungs feel weird now. =.=

Iklil's, Farah's and Asmeetha's dance performance was really good, and Umesh did a really funny thing by showing  up on stage with a flower and danced along with Effy. Graduation ceremony was funny too. The part where they showed the pictures, mottos and ambitions of the students. Sanjey Kumar, Minister of Tourism was funny. Vickram, Chief of MACC too.. Hahaha.. The F1 driver got an applause too.

The whole thing was surprisingly good and enjoyable. =D

Wooh, came back at 5.45 and went for futsal at 6 with the guys. Now I'm aching all over and I'm exhausted. Ciaoz

Aww.. ?

Whut? O.o

Aww, my sis is so sweet, she posted a long post pretending to be me. Oh well, stop reading my blog and don't try that again. You look so pretty in the picture.

Cameron Highlands

Ooh, it's november in such a short time! Got me thinking about vacations. And vacations remind me of that one Cameron Highlands school trip I followed.

It happened when I was only Standard 3. It was so awesome. That's because

- It's the first time my friends and I discovered gunpowder toy guns! We bought it at the strawberry farm somewhere on the road between Brinchang and Tanah Rata.

- My old friend Amirul got his arm twisted by our Standard 6 roommate for firing the gunpowder toy gun at his forehead causing a black spot right in between his eyebrows that makes him look like he has a Bindi. IT WAS AWESOME! (Turns out he was actually sarcastic when he asked Amirul to shoot him in the head) XD

- My other friend Azim fired the gun too close to Tashidaran's ear that actually made him fall to the ground in tears and cry out for his mom when he thought he got deaf.

- 6 people to one room with 4 singlebeds. Our two standard 6 roommates bullied and forced us to share 2 single-beds for ourselves. Amirul and Azim shared one, I took one for myself because I was a fat pig at that time so Tashi slept on the floor. Ohohoho! ^^

- Half-consciously kicked Tashi back down to the floor when he tried crawling into my bed because he was too cold in the middle of the night.

- Participated in a large scale gun battle at the exterior car park of our hotel because almost everyone in the trip bought the gun. Bystanders in the lobby came out to watch in curiosity because of all the loud gunshots and smoke we were making.

- On the night of the second day, Azim felt homesick and started crying in the dark. Everyone joined in soon after.. O.O

- Ate/drank fresh strawberry ice cream and didn't like it.

- The last time I had ever been to Mary Brown.

- Witnessed one awkward moment in the bus where everyone was so silent when someone suddenly sings some linkin' park song faintly before being joined by others.. And I didn't know the freakin' lyrics.

- Went jungle trekking.

- One of the guy in the next room fell sick and his friends would always come knocking at the our door and scolding for being too loud. They were the only ones who weren't at the car park when we were playing. Geez.

    Argh! I don't wanna type any longer..

    Akhil! If you're reading this, I only said I wasn't gonna post it on that day itself. XD


    Akhil likes being touched.


    Iced Lemon Tea.... in a green cup

    Damn it! You know those pictures of carbonated drink bottles with water droplets making it look extra-awesome? This just looks like it's sweating and has weird-looking scales.. O.O

    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was surprisingly good. One of the year's better animated movies.

    But after the movie I walked around mid valley feeling horrible and was on the verge of vomiting while Weng was being an ass  

    threatening to throw my coke away and he

    even held it inside the trash can before returning it into me.



    Welcome to the blogging, Euvan. XD

    A bloody affair

    [insert picture of wound here]

    Hanging out in class after washing cars today when I suddenly thought of drawing. I took a piece of paper and pencil and started trying to draw a portrait of Jasmeet. That was when I noticed minute blood marks on my paper. What the hell? I thought.

    First my towel, then my pillow, now on a freaking piece of paper? It didn't

    come from my nose, that's for sure. The pimple blew up the other day.

    Oh! It was just the scrape wound I got at the side of my palm when I was washing one of the cars.. XD


    that's right, suck it


    Coconut fact 1 : Malaysian coconuts suck.
    Coconut fact 2 : Thai coconuts rock.

    It's coconut joke time!

    An old married couple was cleaning out their closet. After clearing out most of the junk, they found a shoe box with $10,000 and a coconut in it.

    "Whats this?" the wife asked.
    The husband replied, "Every time I cheated on you, I put a coconut in a shoe box."
    "Well", said the wife. " I guess one coconut in 35 years isn't that bad. What's the money for?"
    The husband admitted, "Everytime the box got full, I sold the coconuts."

    Ohohoho! XD

    Funny David after Dentist spoof

    Sorry for the filler, some ass wanted an update. So here's the update, regardless. =P

    Flu Shot

    Ice Skating Rink

    Was just about finished sleeping when I woke up to tiny splotches of blood on my pillow.. I rubbed my eye to take closer look. Holy shit! Is my head bleeding?! Oh, no. It was my nose pimple again. Heh. XD

    Now here's the thing, time after time it tempts me to write about current events. But then I ask myself this, do they really interest people? Does reading out about things and happenings that other people have gone

    through really interest people?

    As far as I know, people who read this are those who know me and I bet if some stranger stumbles upon this he wouldn't pay much attention to it.

    But then again, posting completely irrelevant and unrelated stuff are pretty pointless, aren't they? But all I wanna do is offer contrast to all those other blogs out there. From blog to blog you see the same thing, today I did this, today I did that.. To tell you the truth, there are only about a handful I read out there. The rest are kinda boring.. (not trying to attack any other bloggers)

    Who knows, maybe I'm completely wrong about what I just said.. (?)

    Andrew showed this to me and it's the most viewed video on youtube today. It's sad..
    Cheerleader Gets Paralyzed by a Flu Shot

    Awesome Harry

    Just finished showering when I noticed fresh tiny splotches of blood on my towel. Yuck! That's just disgusting!

    The most obvious idea came into my mind for a second there but was

    quickly struck out as I realized the pimple on my nose was bleeding.. Phew.

    Now, I want to introduce Harry to you. Andrew would love this.

    Meet Harry Ratti

    The hippest guy in school currently. Smart, cheerful, hot, charming and there is nothing that he can't do.
    Plays sports ranging from ping pong to golf.
    Mind-blowingly likes a different girl everyday.

    Harry's Aston Martin

    Did I mention he owns one? What a cool guy, eh?

     The next fabregas

    He's the best person evar. The perfect candidate to woo.

    Mooncakes, anyone? :(

    Mooncakeeeee =O

    Finally, blogger offered more than three picture sizes. Instead of the usual Small, Medium or Large, that pic is on X-Large, which is larger than large of course. XD

    I know it's been a little while since the moon cake festival, and quite aware

    to the fact that they have already stopped producing these awesomely delicious fares. I miss them.. Lotus paste single yoke, double yoke, triple yoke, quadruple yoke or just plain lotus, Me likey. XD

    The only mooncake I have left right now is the mixed nuts flavor, the one which only old people like. My grandfather loves them.

    Katy Perry sucks live because cause she "sets them down" in Starstrukk, I don't like her anymore.
    Community Channel's getting fat but she's back.

    Ball Balancing

    Jon.. Haizz..

     As you can see from the thumbnail, it's a video of Jon getting hit by a car after a failed attempt of crossing the road while balancing a ball on his head.

    Okay fine, it's nothing great. But that's all I can give for the sake of updating. Gosh.

    Post-PMR's a blast. XD
    Ray William Johnson too.


    Pravin and Gavin

    Brotherhood sounds so weird.. I'd have gone for brothership but there was no such word.. :(

    Okay, to the point. Brotherhood is a beautiful thing. Look at that, awww.. Both of them, sitting together watching a hindi movie on Deepavali night.

    Hahahah! No, I wasn't planning to do a post defining relationship between brothers.. Tonight got me thinking about this video. Watch from 1:06

    onwards, I laughed till I teared at the drunk guy!

    So why the title perhaps? Dunno, I just needed a title to go with the pic. XD


    SuPahMOdoL!! =O

    So Weng's about to follow andrew's footsteps in the modeling industry.. Not surprising for the guy who claims to have the same first name as my brother. XD

    And, do you know about the popular girl band behind the famous but annoying Gee song (gee gee gee gee, baby, baby, baby, ) ? Weng's in love with this girl,

    (I forgot her name)

    This is getting gay.

    101st Post!

    Reached my hundredth post already.. It feels like it was only yesterday when I first started my blog. Ha! And I already have a hundred posts!!

    Lol, just kidding. I'm freaking slow man..
    I started this on the 13th of October (OMG that was yesterday? Shit), and it had to take me a year to reach this amount :(

    So this is the post where I will pretend to be happy because I actually  

    treat something like this as an accomplishment. YAY!


    Err, studying environment?

    Ahh.. Looks like there's only 4 days left to study..

    This is the time when we intently hit the books to brush up on past chapters, afraid of the little details we might have missed out.

    While you're at it too, you get a sudden realization, that studying like this isn't actually as hard as you thought?

    Or, you still don't feel any sense of importance

    in studying yet. You sign in every 20 minutes or so after staring at a book.

    You set your status to "appear offline" because you're afraid of looking like an idiot using the computer this close to the major examination?

    Yes, I'm an idiot blogging at a time like this.. =(


    Talented Gay

    Chris Crocker - This & That

    That's the title of Chris Crocker's first ever video on youtube (correct me if I'm wrong). That... is just scary.. O.o.

    He really confuses me about the fact that he's making a lot of money from his videos on youtube at the cost of using a stage name (okay maybe that's fine), living in much privacy and getting so much hate along with death threats. But, you gotta give him credit for being a very intelligent and creative video producer on youtube.

    I wonder, how does he live normally? He's in the mid-west, the "bible-belt" where they greatly discriminate against homosexuals.. Most of his videos are shot with him under a sheet of blanket. GAH, very disturbing..

    Relative Coming

    We don't hate you *cough*

    Remember my old post about this Chinese guy? Yeah, he's coming back here at the end of the year and I'm looking forward to it. Slightly

    afraid though.. =(

    Yeah.. Michael Jackson's This is It song is releasing on October 12th which so happens to be the same day as my birthday. XD

    And, I saw this video a couple of months ago, didn't know that it could go as viral as it just did. Here's the link of a rapping flight attendant.


    Ivy's in her Adam Lambert t-shirt

    Enthusiasm is a funny thing. One day you might feel all excited posting and then the next you don't. At times I wonder, should my posts be concise or filled with extra information? 

    Omg yuck, self-reflections make me feel uneasy. They're a no-no for blog posts, aren't they?

    Also because nobody wants to read posts full of petty maledictions.. do they??

    I miss Comunity Channel on youtube. :( Anyways, PMR is coming really soon.. Off to go study now. Oh, and I find premier football funner than stupid football fantasy..

    AVON the next Umbrella?

    Now this really creeps me out.. On youtube I found some startling alikeness/similarities between cosmetics company AVON and the fictional Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil.

    It all started out with this Resident Evil : Apocalyspe fake commercial trailer on youtube. Check it out. =O

    "The new Avon thing looks like the T-Virus also it looks closer to the Regenerate thing in this very ad" - MacBookGuy91
    "Umbrella Corporation definetely exists. NO DOUBT about it. The question is under which name ?" - Teaautomat
    "Avon." - angelposer890
    "LOLOLOL Avon " - crazy9191

    Then compare it to This. Disturbingly similar.. O.O The bluish T-virus vial

    and both products' roles were the same.

    "this is different from the other one this one doesn't bring dead cell back to life thank god" - firekevin456789123

    Ahaha. XD

    Sir Winston! =D

    nice badge

    Saw this clever saying at an indonesian cuisine.. Also reminded me of the Winston Churchill saying that goes like this :

    Bessie Braddock: Sir, you are drunk.

    Churchill: And you, madam, are ugly. But in the morning, I shall be sober. =P

    Another funny saying from him :

    Young man (after seeing Churchill leave the bathroom without washing his hands): At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet.

    Churchill: At Harrow they taught us not to piss on our hands.

    Maybe girls wouldn't understand this. LOL, Winston Churchill is the man! Cos he does not need to wash his hands after peeing.

    Poem Filler


    To My Alarm Clock
    © By Anonymous

    Every morning I lie there innocently sleeping
    When the peace is ruptured by a horrible beeping.
    My serenity ripped asunder, sudden and drastic
    By this evil, demonic, red-eyed piece of plastic.

    I roll over in pain and pound on the snooze,
    Groaning, moaning, thinking 'What's there to lose?'
    'Don't make me get up, just nine minutes more.'
    The same thing I've said every morning before.

    It's not that I hate mornings or dread the new day.
    It's just that I loathe waking up in this way.
    I'd much rather simply rise up with the light,
    Glowing in the window, chasing away the night.

    But the sudden screaming, the incessant fuss,
    Makes me want to yell and cry and simply to cuss.
    Especially the knowledge that all of my sorrow
    Will be repeated the same time, same way, tomorrow.

    Second Filler

    I iz like d beefballzz =O

    Nuff said.

    Savory Coke

    Went to MCDs to take away dinner because my parents were still full from the late lunch. Had to wait an extra 15 minutes for just one apple pie, so the guy

    filled up a pitifully tiny cup of what looked like foamy

    liquid at first for me while I wait. Got me a bit excited there for a second but it turned out to be ordinary black coke. =S

    Since the wait was so long, I had to savor a trifling 120ml of coke. And surprisingly, it tasted significantly better than the last times. Maybe that's because I actually payed attention on what I was drinking because there was nothing else to do. But, WOW! Best coke of my life. =O

    Even the coke that I had ordered did not taste as good. Haha. And, yeah. This just a useless 'filler' post. XD

    And, uh. Futsal at BSC in the night is awesomely fun.

    Snailz and Bot-flies

    Nothing to come up with right now. So I guess I'll just go with snails.

    Chunted Snail XD

    Taken by Barathan who aspires to be the next top phone photographer.

    Seeing this reminds me, I smashed a snail before and it was mostly  

    gooey shit when I looked at it, apart from the shattered shell


    she needs to clean her nails-  yuko225

    After witnessing a hardly sanitary operation of extracting bot-fly larvaes. Eeeurgh.. >.<
    Vid link here.

    Google UFO?

    Did you guys notice? On the 4th of September, google's main search page image was changed to that of a UFO beaming up the second 'o' in 'Google'.

    And, I found another pic :

    OMG.. Pouting his lips

    Game will fail - me
    No it wont you passive aggressive bitch. - craxis34
    it wont fail <.< you suck man - onkelzfan100

     Replies to my comment on the RUSE Exclusive Trailer youtube video. I mean, wtf man?? They take it so seriously.. =.=


    Watch out! ;)

    "Watch out"?? What a lame attempt on a catchphrase, urgh.. =.=
    Again, this pic was taken by Andrew who sensibly had the time to go  

    dump his watch in a glass of water. And about watches,

    Parvin's watch strap broke today while Akhil and I were trying to pin him down in class.

    Anyway, he could still use it later to record his longest breath time at 1 minute 57 seconds, lol!

    Road Rage!

    Nothing much happening of late. PMR is looming around the corner. X.X


    Hahaha this vid is so damn funny, lol! Click here for the link.

    Speaking of which, does that picture remind you of Solomon Vandy from the film Blood Diamond? It sure does to me. XD

    Maybe this will refresh your memory.

    "you can see the gorilla in him!" - Africanjoe
     Watch see the full shovel scene here.

    Andrew's Wicka Wow

     So what's been happening guys?

    I assume you have already seen Andrew's Picasa album. If not, you can take a look at it here. Some pics are nice, but some pics aren't so they're all like rojak.

    Well, at least I know that none of those pictures can beat  

    THIS! :

     SuPahMoDoL! =O

    Look at that, mmm mhmm! LOVE how the light falls radiantly on his skin, reflecting a sparkling white off his eyes.

    It's unedited okay! Unlike most of his photos where he played with the contrast and light effects. He also looks as if he's staring right out of the screen into you, which I find a bit scary..

    My Teacher's A Gamer

    Woah, just found out that my Art teacher's a passionate gamer.. O.O

    She brought her trusty pink dell notebook into class today, set it on my brother's table and showed us some of her favourite videos ranging from stuff

    about dried ice to documentaries about creatures of the deep. Pretty boring, until she looked at me and asked me about games.

    She revealed to me that she played quite a few popular online games in the past but COD4 remained to be her favourite. Woah! I would never have guessed her to be the gaming type, turns out she's even anticipating Diablo 3! =O

    It felt awesome but strangely awkward at the same time because we were both relating to each other about games from teacher to student.

    So I was really surprised because it was a teacher who knew the most about gaming than any other person in my class. XD

    "am not being racist or anything but arent magicians supposed 2 b white and not pakis or indians" - PaulKings2009
    After watching a youtube vid where the masked magician was revealed to be Val Valentino. lol



    Andrew hates Picasa now because it destroys the quality of his pictures. Planning to add a photo stream of his undiscovered album in the sidebar soon..

    He wants to share his new hobby with you guys.. How   

    sweet.. =)

    And, I gave RM5 of credit to some Indian guy yesterday..


    Yeahhh! This is the first time that any of my work had been video-reviewed! XD

    You're wondering what sort of work, perhaps? Well.. I wanted to show a favorite video to Andrew so I searched my username in youtube and among the search results, there's this one video that caught my eye.. 

    It was titled "Medal Of Honor Allied Assault- Test Crash" and it struck me with 

    much familarity that it was the name the first map I had ever designed for Medal Of Honor 3 years ago in 2006! 

    My heart leaped. I started watching the video and there it was, this 14 year old guy reviewing my screwed up map that I had submitted. =D

    Then I went back to the old site where it was submitted and it had surprisingly good comments! ^^


    Woah, I just rediscovered my first website/fansite I had created back in 2004! =O At that time I was a nut for Starcraft so it was aptly named Starcraftgoods. :D

    Interesting to think that I was so engrossed in editing my website that I even added fake banners, a background soundtrack, a downloads section and even extended it to a second domain!

    Ahh, brings back old memories.. was so cool for me. It was where I started to really learn about HTML.. Now all I can really remember subjectively is making a hyperlink.. Argh..


    Hmm.. Never knew such things as a lightbox existed.. I had always wondered how they produce pictures of phones with nothing else but a white background..

    Well, now I know that they do it in a lightbox.

    With Andrew's enthusiasm for photography of late, he even constructed his own lightbox out of a cut up tissue box and A4 papers. XD

    Pretty good job for a homemade lightbox eh? Sad that we didn't have enough light sources to completely erase the shadows..


    Hehahehoo, he looks funny here

    Stare at it for awhile, it gives you some mysterious mona-liza vibes. He's smiling, isn't he? Or is he sad? :O

    Weng's back.. I guess that means he didn't win it eh... Nvm, you did good! And you didn't have to keep it from your own brother.

    And, I have been warned by UMG for using a copyrighted audio in my youtube vid. =.=


    Exactly what I'm craving for right now.. :(

    Damn, can't stop eating and eating lately.. Currently addicted to Satu Malaysia as well as being surprised that we could actually produce a decent song.

    Hmm, looks like that's all.. Off I go now to pwn Andrew's ass in Starcraft, 11 years since its release and still running strong. XD


    Woke up to a blackout early in the morning. Nothing to do so I took picture of a candle. :D Had to decrease the exposure like hell just to see the shape of the flame.

    Argh! A huge pile of books tumbled down on my laptop just

    now, leading to a noticeable crack on my unprotected screen.

    And, my sis's blog is now private again. o.O