
Baked Beans!

Soo cute..

Aww.. isn't he adorable? I remember taking the video as though it was only yesterday.. =D (sort of). You see, even before his glory days of Mr. Bear and making disgusting-looking maggie noodles, he tried many times to achieve fame. This video is a failed example of his shot for fame.

Good thing Andrew doesn't know about this cause he would kill me if he did, that's why I'm posting it tonight, cause we're all going to Melaka for two days. XD

Prefect dinner was awesome! Really enjoyed it, performances were great, food was great, place was great, sound quality sucked.

Went out with Lydia and gang to Chilli's today to celebrate the last day of school for prefects. My new badge looks so shiny but too bad Fadhli dropped it on the floor and now it has a permanent scratch.

Followed them to BV later and ended up pissing off those dudes at Playtime because I refused to pay 30 bucks for Modern Warfare 2. XD