
Cameron Highlands

Ooh, it's november in such a short time! Got me thinking about vacations. And vacations remind me of that one Cameron Highlands school trip I followed.

It happened when I was only Standard 3. It was so awesome. That's because

- It's the first time my friends and I discovered gunpowder toy guns! We bought it at the strawberry farm somewhere on the road between Brinchang and Tanah Rata.

- My old friend Amirul got his arm twisted by our Standard 6 roommate for firing the gunpowder toy gun at his forehead causing a black spot right in between his eyebrows that makes him look like he has a Bindi. IT WAS AWESOME! (Turns out he was actually sarcastic when he asked Amirul to shoot him in the head) XD

- My other friend Azim fired the gun too close to Tashidaran's ear that actually made him fall to the ground in tears and cry out for his mom when he thought he got deaf.

- 6 people to one room with 4 singlebeds. Our two standard 6 roommates bullied and forced us to share 2 single-beds for ourselves. Amirul and Azim shared one, I took one for myself because I was a fat pig at that time so Tashi slept on the floor. Ohohoho! ^^

- Half-consciously kicked Tashi back down to the floor when he tried crawling into my bed because he was too cold in the middle of the night.

- Participated in a large scale gun battle at the exterior car park of our hotel because almost everyone in the trip bought the gun. Bystanders in the lobby came out to watch in curiosity because of all the loud gunshots and smoke we were making.

- On the night of the second day, Azim felt homesick and started crying in the dark. Everyone joined in soon after.. O.O

- Ate/drank fresh strawberry ice cream and didn't like it.

- The last time I had ever been to Mary Brown.

- Witnessed one awkward moment in the bus where everyone was so silent when someone suddenly sings some linkin' park song faintly before being joined by others.. And I didn't know the freakin' lyrics.

- Went jungle trekking.

- One of the guy in the next room fell sick and his friends would always come knocking at the our door and scolding for being too loud. They were the only ones who weren't at the car park when we were playing. Geez.

    Argh! I don't wanna type any longer..

    Akhil! If you're reading this, I only said I wasn't gonna post it on that day itself. XD


    Akhil likes being touched.