
Getting There

"pui yee, why did I let you go? =("

Yeah, we're getting there.. XD
Prefects dinner is in three days time and we finally learnt the whole choreography. All we need now is some polishing and mastering certain steps. My finger already hurts from all the snapping!

It's the 10th in America right now, I guess. The first  

gameplay videos of Modern Warfare 2 are already appearing on youtube and I can barely stop myself from watching them!

Also heard that a lot of people line up at midnight just to get those copies!

"wow...michael is a retard who goes to get a game at 12am and then stays home and plays it all day" - Sarah Tan
Damn, is the game really that good??

Anyways, enough about gaming shit, that stuff probably don't interest you.. What may interest you shall be coming in the next post, so lets just wait for it. XD
I might even get in trouble for it.. =S