
6 Guys Take On Melaka


So what happens when you have 6 guys going on a budget vacation in Melaka? Well, a few of them may get in trouble with the authorities.

One of us even had to take a drug test. Hahaha!

I have a lot of time on my hands, that's why I'm crafting a super-duper-extra-uber-mega-awesome-long post about our trip! Since I don't wanna drown andrew's baked beans video, I summarized it.  Click the "read more" button. XD

Inscribed on the World Heritage List on 7 July 2008
well-known for its baba & nyonya style spicy cooking which normally gets served with rich coconut milk
satay celup, ikan bakar, cendol and bubur cha cha are among the local delicacies

 waiting at pudu raya

The Six Guys : Me, Andrew, Weng, Ray, Gav and Jon
Date : 17th November 2009

Left from Pudu Raya on a KKKL bus at about 9.30 in the morning. Jon and I sat right in front, just behind the driver while Gav was on the single seat to our left with Andrew at the back of him and Raymond and Weng at the back of us. It was mostly uneventful, I was listening to Jon's ipod when I fell asleep for a short while.

I woke up to a marshal climbing on board (our bus had stopped at a rest stop) and asking us for our identification documents.  

I didn't bring my physical card but brought along a photostatted copy in my wallet instead. So I handed him the piece of paper and managed to get off with an intimidating warning. That cocky bastard. =.=

Oh, and Andrew didn't have to show any documents because they thought that he was an underaged boy whose mother is the old lady sitting at the back of him, or so I assumed =D

Gav, on the other hand had no problems with his IC, but was inadvertently called off the bus to go towards the tents near the toilets. We were wondering why the hell was he taking so long and even joked about him going for a drug test.

Turned out to be true.
He came back and basically told us that he peed in a cup with a marshal standing behind him. LOL.

Arrived at Melaka Central

Melaka Central was so much better compared to Pudu Raya.
A lot more stuff to buy too. XD I stumbled upon a video game shop and discovered that they were selling Modern Warfare 2 at only RM18! It was so much cheaper than what those Playtime dudes were offering back in Bangsar, so I bought it. =D

The copy didn't work.
Some jumbled up korean-looking letters appeared on the setup screen.

From Melaka central, which was a loooong way from our hotel and jonker street, we started walking to Jusco which was just opposite the busy highway.

One of the longest bridge crossings we've ever walked on..

Two chinese cab drivers who were sitting down in front of the complex found us and offered us a lift. We took 2 cabs to Jonker street and the fare was 15 bucks for each cab! Whilst traveling on the road, Ray, Weng and Jon's cab driver who at first, was behind us started accelerating to come up on our left side.

Their cab driver winded down his window, started pointing at the road and shouted in chinese at our driver. He looked pissed.

Our driver, whose eyes still unadjusted from the road did not wind the window down and replied in a carefree kind of tone. It was funny to see that one was so calm while the other was damn pissed, Gav could see Jon laughing in the other cab. And he burst out laughing too.

The cab dropped us off here for lunch

We ate chicken rice balls at the famous coffee shop opposite the red building.

We came just in time, a line started building up..

The chicken rice balls were delicious. Then we went for dessert at the cafe opposite.

Durian Cendol FTW

So we took off for our hotel when a chinese guy on a motorcycle approached us just in front of Stadhuys Square. He started speaking in chinese and we looked at him blankly. But Raymond could understand and we knew that he was trying to give us directions.

So he told us to go straight, turn right, then turn left. We didn't really understood but thanked him and started to walk away. 

Knowing Jon, he asked the guy to elaborate further.

I don't understand chinese..

Luckily, Jon knows how to say "i don't understand chinese" in mandarin. Jon then said "Wo pu quay chiang". The guy took it as an insult and according to Jon, there was an awkward moment of silence where they were both staring at each other. AHAHAHA!

After that, we met Ray's aunt and she decided to give the three of us a lift there. So Andrew, Jon and I had to continue on foot.

We started running..

we saw their car again, and we sprinted towards the lobby

 and we beat them to it. XD

our hotel.. XD

We honestly didn't think that we could get such a nice place to stay.. We settled in, put our bags and we left again to look for a place to eat dinner in Melaka Raya at around 2.30. We stopped at F.O.S. along the way, and Ray bought a new shirt.

We spent an hour to find this Nyonya restaurant called Ole Sayang. While getting lost, Gav thought he saw our cab driver eating in one of the coffee shops there.

Came back, changed and went to swim in the pool.

Some time after swimming, we went for an early dinner at Ole Sayang in Melaka Raya.

food was good again

gambled till late at night

Weng on a freaking roll..

Gav and I lost 2 bucks to Weng. I haven't paid him yet.. Ohohoho! Jon secretly hid gav's phone shortly before going to sleep and we were silently laughing at him while he searches the whole room for it. So gav, yeah, we hid it. XD

Andrew, Gav and Weng disguised as ghosts and came knocking at our door. We were too lazy to open oursleves so after countless knockings, they opened the door and went BOO! Failed attempt..

Date : 18th November 2009

Had buffet dinner the next morning

Gav, Ray, Andrew and I went downstairs for the buffet while Weng and Jon stayed up in the room because the complimentary buffet was only for four persons. They were compensated by having only to pay RM50 while the four of us had to pay RM62 for the accommodation.

So what did Weng and Jon do while we were down there?

Weng just continued sleeping like a girl but Jon took an extra long shower to kill time. Realizing that it wasn't enough, he started doing push ups, in the bathroom. He then sat in the bath tub doing nothing, just thinking about his life.

We only came back about an hour later, where Weng already had his shower.

We checked out around 10, which was really early. We decided to get it over with because we didn't want to come all the way back from lunch. On the way to Jonker Street, we walked under the flyover, which I found strangely awesome. O.O

Returning to the Durian Cendol

Since it was too early before lunch time, we went back to the red building for the awesome Durian Cendol. It was just as nice as the first time. Jon and Weng was getting hungry, so the three of us left them at the red building and tried finding for another coffee shop, which I was sure, was selling much better chicken rice balls.

I led them into a busy narrow street, with barely enough space to walk, the cars and motorcycles zoomed pass us hard by.

They got annoyed, so I took a picture of them. XD

I thought I knew the way, but we ended up lost. But we returned to the red building using a much easier and faster way. We ended up eating lunch in Famosa Chicken Rice Balls at Jonker Walk.

Jon didn't feel well

He couldn't open his eyes at one point. It was funny to watch.. XD

It was only around 12 when we finished lunch. There was still a lot more time to kill. Our bus leaves at 4.30. We walked in Jonker Walk. Saw a hilarious t-shirt captioned "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?", and the picture showed a cartoon chicken humping an egg. Damn, too bad no pictures were allowed to be taken.

After walking and walking, the weather was getting hot. So we walked to Pahlawan Megamall on the idea of going bowling but it was scrapped. We then went to the arcade.

it kinda sucked

Played some daytona and then left. Walked around Mahkota mall when Ray caught a sight of a lady with VERY revealing "stuff" and gave chase. Gav and Weng made a fake pose picture just so we could take a shot of her. Ohohoho!

We had no place to go, it was only 2 o' clock

We lepak-ed for awhile until 2.30 and then we went finding for a cab to Melaka Central. We found two cab drivers and the fare was exactly the same. I guess that's the norm in Melaka.

Andrew watching Mexican cowboys speaking Malay

All I could remember about the grayscale movie was, that there's these two Malay guys dressed as cowboys in a bar. They started arguing, and shot at each other before transitioning to them doing the exact same thing but in sarungs and using their hands as their guns. WTF?

Then another malay guy in a baju melayu asked them to sleep and they listened. I think they were brothers. o.O

Reached Melaka central, hanged out in A&W's for quite some time, bought some food and boarded the bus. It started raining as we left, it made everyone feel sleepy and we all slept. Woke up abruptly because it was freaking cold in the bus. There was a slight jam just a few metres away from the station. So a few passengers started leaving the bus, we followed too.

We walked dangerously on the thin divider between the bus lanes and the busy street. Then from Pudu Raya, we walked to Pasar Seni LRT station and boarded the train to Bangsar. At Bangsar we had a final dinner at Old Town White Coffee before going home. XD

All in all, the first day was so much better because we started to feel like zombies on the second.. =S