
Three Days Time

Nasi Goreng this, Nasi Goreng that..

Okay, there's this Kelantan-mixed-Terengganu style restaurant somewhere in Taman Tun. It serves pretty good food but its too bad not many people   

patronize it because of its location. It has more than 20 different styles of Nasi Goreng. XD

Had fun in Asthika's party yesterday night, except for one part where I was dared to dance to Thriller because they knew that I was rehearsing for the Prefect Dinner.. =(

We ran around the neighborhood barefooted with a bucket of water and now I have one small piece of stone embedded inside my foot sole. Argh!

Modern Warfare 2's coming out in three days time, (the 10th in America). It's the largest video game release of the year and the most pre-ordered title in GameStop history!! Wooh yeah!