
Mooncakes, anyone? :(

Mooncakeeeee =O

Finally, blogger offered more than three picture sizes. Instead of the usual Small, Medium or Large, that pic is on X-Large, which is larger than large of course. XD

I know it's been a little while since the moon cake festival, and quite aware

to the fact that they have already stopped producing these awesomely delicious fares. I miss them.. Lotus paste single yoke, double yoke, triple yoke, quadruple yoke or just plain lotus, Me likey. XD

The only mooncake I have left right now is the mixed nuts flavor, the one which only old people like. My grandfather loves them.

Katy Perry sucks live because cause she "sets them down" in Starstrukk, I don't like her anymore.
Community Channel's getting fat but she's back.