
Last Day

Do you love, like, dislike or hate the fact that December is about to start? Today's the final day, and somehow I just feel like I have to make one final post before the month's over.

Claypot Chicken!

Holidays are like an up and down ride for me. Right now, I'm at the bottom.

Mild food poisoning baby!
It's so awesome I tell you.

Claypot chicken yesterday night was good, but the fresh orange juice poisoned me even better! =D

I'm losing track of my bowel, and my stomach feels hollow and painful. It's also nice because I get to visit the toilet many times in such a short period.

Went for futsal this morning. Ashvin's back from Aussieland. I accidentally texted my friend's father.
Yeah, that's about it..


On the day before last, I went to one of the most stressful places in my life for a late lunch at some food junction somewhere in Pudu. And by "late" I meant a lunch at 5 o' clock in the evening! Argh.

The place was supposedly famous for the best egg custard in town, or at least that was the fact back then in the 70's.

I knew that returning to that stinking hole 30 years later was a bad idea!
We certainly found nothing great about the food.

While I was eating my horrible curry mee,  something that I had least expected to happen in a place like this, happened.

 my nose started to bleed o.O

Yeah, it's a bit like those blood spots on the Scarpetta book which I bought a few months ago. I haven't really read it, but it's got a cool blood splatter on the cover that shines in the light. To any avid readers out there, I'm willing to give it away.. =D

My nose bled, i was stressed, and i had headache arghhhhhh!!! My mom almost used my bloody tissue to wipe the table, thank god i stopped her.  

Worst lunch ever.

6 Random Pics

Here are 6 random pics that I find .... quite nice. XD

Gav coming back from the drug test.. XD

I don't know what weng is trying to do here

6 Guys Take On Melaka


So what happens when you have 6 guys going on a budget vacation in Melaka? Well, a few of them may get in trouble with the authorities.

One of us even had to take a drug test. Hahaha!

I have a lot of time on my hands, that's why I'm crafting a super-duper-extra-uber-mega-awesome-long post about our trip! Since I don't wanna drown andrew's baked beans video, I summarized it.  Click the "read more" button. XD

Baked Beans!

Soo cute..

Aww.. isn't he adorable? I remember taking the video as though it was only yesterday.. =D (sort of). You see, even before his glory days of Mr. Bear and making disgusting-looking maggie noodles, he tried many times to achieve fame. This video is a failed example of his shot for fame.

Good thing Andrew doesn't know about this cause he would kill me if he did, that's why I'm posting it tonight, cause we're all going to Melaka for two days. XD

Prefect dinner was awesome! Really enjoyed it, performances were great, food was great, place was great, sound quality sucked.

Went out with Lydia and gang to Chilli's today to celebrate the last day of school for prefects. My new badge looks so shiny but too bad Fadhli dropped it on the floor and now it has a permanent scratch.

Followed them to BV later and ended up pissing off those dudes at Playtime because I refused to pay 30 bucks for Modern Warfare 2. XD


Table manners..

Just a quick update, this isn't the post I meant to be something I could get in trouble of..

Alright, I promise I'll do it for the next post! And I'm not giving false hope like what Euvan said. XD

So the rehearsals today was much better, synchronization, finishing, formation positions and all that.. Hope that we can pull it off tomorrow, especially since we only have one shot at it, obviously. =S

Shannon almost passed out when we were practicing a little too much today, found that strange but then later it was I who felt like passing out after following my sister around mid valley straight from school until 5 to get her dress and ended up buying nothing. =.=

I just discovered Kenny G, sort of, though I've heard of him before but only now am I really listening to his music.

Getting There

"pui yee, why did I let you go? =("

Yeah, we're getting there.. XD
Prefects dinner is in three days time and we finally learnt the whole choreography. All we need now is some polishing and mastering certain steps. My finger already hurts from all the snapping!

It's the 10th in America right now, I guess. The first  

gameplay videos of Modern Warfare 2 are already appearing on youtube and I can barely stop myself from watching them!

Also heard that a lot of people line up at midnight just to get those copies!

"wow...michael is a retard who goes to get a game at 12am and then stays home and plays it all day" - Sarah Tan
Damn, is the game really that good??

Anyways, enough about gaming shit, that stuff probably don't interest you.. What may interest you shall be coming in the next post, so lets just wait for it. XD
I might even get in trouble for it.. =S

Three Days Time

Nasi Goreng this, Nasi Goreng that..

Okay, there's this Kelantan-mixed-Terengganu style restaurant somewhere in Taman Tun. It serves pretty good food but its too bad not many people   

patronize it because of its location. It has more than 20 different styles of Nasi Goreng. XD

Had fun in Asthika's party yesterday night, except for one part where I was dared to dance to Thriller because they knew that I was rehearsing for the Prefect Dinner.. =(

We ran around the neighborhood barefooted with a bucket of water and now I have one small piece of stone embedded inside my foot sole. Argh!

Modern Warfare 2's coming out in three days time, (the 10th in America). It's the largest video game release of the year and the most pre-ordered title in GameStop history!! Wooh yeah!

Graduation '09

So my sis had her graduation this afternoon. I followed my parents straight from school to Bahagian Pendidikan dan Teknologi, brought the camera along too. But as soon as I got into the

hall, I felt so noob with all the other  SLR'S in the room, so I ended up only taking pictures of Penyu doing her long and uninteresting speech that actually made my father doze off. XD

Shortly before the menteri's speech, I went to the toilet and witnessed a teacher puking and then washing his hands before puking again into the sink. On my way out, Aneesha's father asked me if there was a place that he could buy a drink. I said I wasn't sure so he continued into the toilet. I then asked Jega about where the cafeteria was and ended up leading Aneesha's father there.

He was so kind and promised to buy me a drink. He opened the fridge and he asked me to choose. There were all kinds of carbonated drinks but I chose a bottle of mineral water being the modest person I am, *cough*.

After the national anthem was the Wilayah Persekutuan anthem because the WP menteri was there, my father thought it was some shit song and wanted to sit down until the he heard the lyrics "Wilayah Persekutuan", lol.

So I went to the toilet the second time after more stuff happened, and missed my sister's turn on stage. By the time I exited, I saw her walking off the stage with the certificate thing in her hand before being asked by another teacher to take pictures of her friend/colleague who was announcing the names at the time.

She passed me a slim-looking casual point-and-shoot camera to take with me to the front of the stage. So I went in front of the stage and looked completely outclassed by Jasmine's awesome looking SLR next to me (which wasn't hers and that made me feel slightly better =D)

I walked to the toilet for the third time, but this time to show Euvan to it. I told him the guy's toilet was at the girl's, and he believed. But Umi came out at the same time, told him otherwise and Euvan followed me through with a punch. My lungs feel weird now. =.=

Iklil's, Farah's and Asmeetha's dance performance was really good, and Umesh did a really funny thing by showing  up on stage with a flower and danced along with Effy. Graduation ceremony was funny too. The part where they showed the pictures, mottos and ambitions of the students. Sanjey Kumar, Minister of Tourism was funny. Vickram, Chief of MACC too.. Hahaha.. The F1 driver got an applause too.

The whole thing was surprisingly good and enjoyable. =D

Wooh, came back at 5.45 and went for futsal at 6 with the guys. Now I'm aching all over and I'm exhausted. Ciaoz

Aww.. ?

Whut? O.o

Aww, my sis is so sweet, she posted a long post pretending to be me. Oh well, stop reading my blog and don't try that again. You look so pretty in the picture.

Cameron Highlands

Ooh, it's november in such a short time! Got me thinking about vacations. And vacations remind me of that one Cameron Highlands school trip I followed.

It happened when I was only Standard 3. It was so awesome. That's because

- It's the first time my friends and I discovered gunpowder toy guns! We bought it at the strawberry farm somewhere on the road between Brinchang and Tanah Rata.

- My old friend Amirul got his arm twisted by our Standard 6 roommate for firing the gunpowder toy gun at his forehead causing a black spot right in between his eyebrows that makes him look like he has a Bindi. IT WAS AWESOME! (Turns out he was actually sarcastic when he asked Amirul to shoot him in the head) XD

- My other friend Azim fired the gun too close to Tashidaran's ear that actually made him fall to the ground in tears and cry out for his mom when he thought he got deaf.

- 6 people to one room with 4 singlebeds. Our two standard 6 roommates bullied and forced us to share 2 single-beds for ourselves. Amirul and Azim shared one, I took one for myself because I was a fat pig at that time so Tashi slept on the floor. Ohohoho! ^^

- Half-consciously kicked Tashi back down to the floor when he tried crawling into my bed because he was too cold in the middle of the night.

- Participated in a large scale gun battle at the exterior car park of our hotel because almost everyone in the trip bought the gun. Bystanders in the lobby came out to watch in curiosity because of all the loud gunshots and smoke we were making.

- On the night of the second day, Azim felt homesick and started crying in the dark. Everyone joined in soon after.. O.O

- Ate/drank fresh strawberry ice cream and didn't like it.

- The last time I had ever been to Mary Brown.

- Witnessed one awkward moment in the bus where everyone was so silent when someone suddenly sings some linkin' park song faintly before being joined by others.. And I didn't know the freakin' lyrics.

- Went jungle trekking.

- One of the guy in the next room fell sick and his friends would always come knocking at the our door and scolding for being too loud. They were the only ones who weren't at the car park when we were playing. Geez.

    Argh! I don't wanna type any longer..

    Akhil! If you're reading this, I only said I wasn't gonna post it on that day itself. XD


    Akhil likes being touched.


    Iced Lemon Tea.... in a green cup

    Damn it! You know those pictures of carbonated drink bottles with water droplets making it look extra-awesome? This just looks like it's sweating and has weird-looking scales.. O.O

    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was surprisingly good. One of the year's better animated movies.

    But after the movie I walked around mid valley feeling horrible and was on the verge of vomiting while Weng was being an ass  

    threatening to throw my coke away and he

    even held it inside the trash can before returning it into me.



    Welcome to the blogging, Euvan. XD