

My father got injured and a flower pot was broken because of a straying monkey today...

Back from Penang

Woohoo, back from Pulau Penang where I....

stayed in room 316 with noisy neighbors
ate good food at a hainanese restaurant not far from my hotel
ate mediocre food at Jalan Mc Callister
ate horrible food at Jalan Swatow
got lost around Georgetown
intruded a private function
almost got bitten by a jellyfish
cut my foot by a buried brick at the beach
had fun playing table tennis
broke a table tennis's table
broke a ping pong ball
ate at Gurney Drive
shopped at Gurney plaza
trespassed a private beach
almost got conned by DVD pirates
witness a drug addict wander aimlessly in the middle of a road
almost died crossing the busy streets of Mc Callister Road
took 500 pictures
ate local coconuts by the beach at Bayan Lepas
shopped at the night market

One of the stalls among many at Jalan Mc callister

Overall, it was great.

Pig Wink

I accidently winked a pig on msn to my malay classmate. Her cousin started typing in her place, insulting me endlessly and cursing me....

Two phones got stolen today

Argh, today we went out to swim at bsc. When Ashvin, me and my bro arrived to meet jon and yugan at the pondok just outside the compound, we noticed two unusually friendly malay guys sitting there talking to them. We thought it was okay since Yugan and Jon would know them better considering they were there first.

"Eh, you Cina ke? *points at Ashvin*
you christian ke?"

Then he said that they were waiting for their friend to come join them for tennis.

"Sudah dua bulan tak main tau, dah dua bulan. Tolong boleh saya call dia datang tak??"

Next, he asked to borrow my brother's phone. He dialed on it and a few seconds later he said that the number he's calling was busy so he gave it back. We silently found it funny that the guy was repeating his statements unusually several times, we weren't even suspicious of him. Minutes passed by and we decided to go somewhere else while waiting for the pool area to be opened.

While walking away from bsc, at the T junction, they quickly came up to us from behind. They were on a motorcycle and he asked to borrow the phone one last time. My brother handed it over to the guy while Yugan, Ashvin and I stepped a few feet back from where Jon, Andrew and the motorcyclists were. Asshole #1 was asking whether my brother's phone was prepaid or postpaid while Asshole #2 looked quite nervous, I caught a glance of him watching us for awhile. My brother said it wasn't prepaid so he started asking for Jon's phone, saying that he wanted to save more money by using a prepaid phone. He kept my brother's phone in his arm while he reached out for Jon's phone. Jon hesitantly handed it over to him.

The next thing we know, we were watching Jon standing in front of the motorcycle, blocking them from trying to escape. We didn't know what was going on until they intimidated Jon out of the way and fled. Ashvin, Yugan and I felt damn angry after that because we knew we could have done something to those guys if Andrew or Jon could have some noise rather than keeping quiet. We thought that they had already handed the phones back to them and Jon was just playing a fool with them. Infact, Jon was smiling at them and saying "Janganlah.."

Anyway, Jon's grandparent's house was a few houses away so Andrew and Jon went and called their parents to cancel the SIM cards. The thought of them trying to steal our phones were in our minds in the beginning but they were quickly crossed out because we thought Yugan and Jon would know better. After that, I felt like kicking down any motorcycle that I see, hoping that the riders might be the culprits.


my maid stole my tent and my sleeping bags...


Reshmonu is a regular at Sattelite Restaurant.


My cousin from Johor Bahru gives RM5 in Ang Paos although he's incredibly rich. He refused to provide hospitality for just ONE night although he clearly had a lot of room for guests in his house for my aunty and her boyfriend who came to visit them all the way from London.

My Maid...

I just found out my maid stole a highly prized possession of my father's. It was a very nice green sweatshirt which was gifted by my uncle who now resides in the US. She took it home with her to Indonesia. T_T


I broke my friend's antique cabinet's glass window. She was banned by her parents from inviting anyone to her house ever again....


So I went to play badminton with Parvin, Barat, Ray, Jon like most evenings. Adrian was here too. What makes it a different evening is that aussie had returned. Ashvin, Navin and his cousin joined us for 20 minutes before leaving for their relative's house. Raymond dyed his hair orange too.

Euvan's Pool Party

Raymond wasn't planning to swim actually, and he came. We all eventually pushed him into the pool with his shirt and shorts on. We all were kind enough to take his phone away first. There were about 10 of us Form twos. There were easily at least 25 other Form Fours and Fives who came today. Euvan said he was only allowed a quota of 10 people, his sis had 25. Khairi wore a tracksuit and a black t-shirt to swim. Raymond and Barathan did not know how to swim, but it was not really a problem.

Euvan was trying to drown people by pushing them down with his weight (including me)while Khairi was hopping and humping people, trying to pull them down too. Raymond and barat sometimes retreat to the side, resting their arms at the side trying to look good, Raymond especially. Arun, apparently got a bit popular with the small kids and started getting occupied with them. The rest of us were busy throwing balls and hitting each other. We spent the last couple hours pushing each other into the pool, ganging up on random people like the form fours and fives. Even the ones who weren't planning to swim got thrown into the pool. Martin, Prasad, Anand, and Sanjey got thrown in many times. My sis's friends was also there.
Too bad my sis couldn't come, hmm, and I wonder why..

Weird Pic

Weird pic I found off the net... O.O


Today, Jon being himself took my pants down in public while we were all in bangsar village three times in a row and I got caught lying to my tuition teacher because I did not finish three separate exercise homework in three different books. I ate my dinner at 10PM which is an hour after my tuition is supposed to end. I spent my dinner in the frontseat of the car eating fried rice with my bare hands taken away from Sin Lai Ping in front of Nasi Kandar Pelita where my sis had gone out to take away fried rice too.

I fell

down on the road.

Genting Highlands

Went with family.
Awana hotel.
First night, Andrew ran with a plate during buffet, bumped into a guy
Plate fell, broke, cry.
First morning, I, stomach ache, bad.
Took a plate, placed it on my table.
Went upstairs, shit.
Came down, plate gone.
Waiter took it away.
Took a plate, placed it on my table.
Went upstairs, shit.
Came down, plate gone.
Pissed off.
Afternoon, went theme park
Got afraid of Haunted House Ride
Went other rides,
Arcade, played zombie game,
Saw a girl with very very long hair,
Andrew too short,height limit,
forgotten the rest...

My Evil Maid

My maid.... is evil....
So why do I have a picture of a construction guy? Well, you see. My evil maid has committed a few foul acts. For example, she stole some money from the house when my parents were not at home. She would enter my parent's room with a broomstick and come out of it without the room getting any cleaner. She had done this bravely right in front of me, and I was too young and stupid to suspect her although my father had always asked me whether anyone had been into his room.

The second crime she had committed was when we were staying at our old house at Jalan Tempinis 4 (if i spelled that correctly). My sister got very sick with fever one day. There was a construction site next door, and my siblings and I slept earlier than usual... The next day, my sister told me that the maid had secretly brought in an unknown man into the room. My sister thought it was a dream because she was only half-conscious at the time.

And then my grandfather reported that he also heard something strange going on in our room. This is when the picture of the construction man comes into play. She must have brought him over to our house through the balcony as the balconies were not that far apart. So she must have brought him in and had *** with him or rather a long make-out session. Have I mentioned that she's married?? How dare her!! Shame on her. And my sister witness the whole thing. Sickening to think of it..

Third crime, right before she was going to leave for a month's holiday in Indonesia, she requested to borrow a considerable amount of money. My parents, however saw this coming and gave her a smaller amount. Ever since she left, she did not come back. She was planning to keep the money all along!! While in Indonesia, she had broken all contact with us. We can't reach her on the phone as she had probably changed her SIM card.

This is clearly a contract violation in the law of err, immigrant maids?? Furthermore, if we make a police report about her desertion, we as the employers would be fined. Hmph, only a year later she sent an SMS to my mom's phone.
It read :
halo, apa khabarr majikanku. namaku sbnarnya Amelia bukan Sumitri. haha ko tertipu bdoh orngnya namatu, apa bisa khbr Andrew,Ivy sama Bryan. sori ya..


Who is this??
An asshole??
Close, but he's my very very distant cousin from mainland China. When I first heard my 11 year old relative was coming down to Malaysia, I pictured him as a cute little boy. I was wrong. He was slightly shorter than me but weighed more than me. Not to mention, he's Chinese-educated so he speaks awesomely bad English. (Manages a few basic phrases though)

He and his mom visited Malaysia last year to attend my other cousin's wedding. For two weeks, he would always hang out in my house starting from noon until 10 at night (He sleeps at another place).
He is VERY annoying. He was glued to my television for long stretches after my brother and I had introduced him a GTA game, preventing us from using the television. He would spend about 4 hours daily chainsawing people all over again, never gets tired of it. Trying not to be rude on his first day, I stayed downstairs watching him playing until I fell asleep.

Proop. I wondered what that sound was, I rubbed the sleepiness off my eye, and I saw him, still in the same position I had left him. He looked at me briefly, smiled and then laughed. He had farted. "Fuck you" I thought.

When it came to the point where I decided he was playing too much, I told him to stop. Well, he still went upstairs and played the PC-version of the game. My brother was foolish enough to let him use.

Engrossed, addicted, obsessed...

He follows me everywhere, imitating my speeches. Kept repeating a stupid phrase I said to him all over again. Barged into my room after I clearly told him not to. Ate too much pizza.... Would not give me space. Bugs me to let him use the computer when I have something more important to do. Broke my PS2. Whenever we went out for lunch or dinner, he would ask for a hamburger and orange juice every time we asked him. No matter what kind of restaurant he was in, he would always order the same thing.

At Chillis,

Waiter : "What would you like to eat sir?"
My cousin : "Hamburger!"
Waiter : "Which one sir?"
My cousin : "Hamburger hamburger!"

My cousin only knows that english word for food.

He's quite big...



I was brushing my teeth at night when all of a sudden, a lizard fell on me and into the sink. Awesome. It must be a sign. O.O


I got stabbed by a man with a cigarette when I was walking in TMC. My hand was burnt.

Amazing Street Art Pics!

I thought i would post these pics from English street artist, Julian Beever (Dont laugh at his name! ) Unbelievably, they're all done with chalk and are completely flat!

Aunty Aunty

My aunt loved to pinch me a lot when I was in primary school. She would pinch me hard and twists my skin for 10 seconds before finally letting go every time she visits my house. Plus, she visits the house twice a week and it was too much for me. After two years of never-ending pinching nightmares, I snapped out and yelled at her. She hates me from now on and treats me differently every time she sees me.

Weird Patterns

ARGHH, can anyone do this stereogram things?? You're suppose to find a 3D image hidden in the weird-and-random looking patterns below.

Heres some tips (which I do not find helpful)

1. Pick a spot on the picture (the middle seems to work best) and just stare at it.

2. Allow your eyes to relax, don't just stare AT the image, try to stare THROUGH it. You'll notice your eyes will go slightly out of focus. This is normal.

3. Keep staring, don't give up, once you begin to see the first image, it gets much easier.

Peach,Orange and Yellow

Those colours mean anything to you? It does to me. Year 1999, I drew a cartoon doodle yellow during a class activity in my colouring book. The next day, our teacher gave us a similar exercise, and this time I coloured a person's face orange. Soon after that, I was brought to the headmistress and she blasted me for not applying the colour peach to the figure.

Pulau Aur

Well, isn't it beautiful. If you didn't know, Pulau Aur is located 67km east of Mersing. There are white sandy beaches along the coast of Pulau Aur. I spent my vacation in this tropical paradise for a week. The island is divided into two parts, on one side, there's a small town. On the other side of the island, there is a small village with a few one-room chalets which can be rented for a cheap price. My family and I stayed at THAT part.

Many things happened there. I rested myself in a hammock full of fire ants, ate sunflower seeds with my part-mat-salleh cousins, scuba dived, ate fried fish that we had just caught offshore for dinner, swam in the open sea and many more.

Into the third day of the vacation, we split into two separated parties. My parents and my brother were to trek into the jungle for 4 hours to reach the other side of the island where the town is located. The other party (which my cousins,my sister and I were in) went on a fishing trip. The fishing trip would be further out this time because my cousins were hoping to catch bigger and better fish this time.

My sister puked into the ocean while I watched fish dying in a bucket underneath my bench. My cousins were just fishing away. An hour into the boat trip, I saw a jellyfish swimming not far from the boat. I watched it for a while and felt giddy so I retreated into the cabin and took a nap.

When I woke up, it was dark. The boat had already returned to the island, and my parents with my brother were back from their journey too. We all sat at the canteen and ate the fishes we had just caught. My relatives were telling us about a very large fish they had caught while I was sleeping.

After seven days in Pulau Aur, we spent 3 days in Pulau Sibu, 4 days in Golden Sense Hotel in Pulau Penang and another 3 days in Thailand.

Solid Snake Hits KL: MGS4 Official Malaysian Launch

On 12th June 2008, millions of gamers all over the world especially Sony PlayStation 3 owners celebrates the release of Metal Gear Solid 4 - the long awaited finale of Solid Snake saga. It also marked the end of 10 years wait for Metal Gear series fans everywhere. (Including me!)

ticket ticket....

so pretty...

While the gamers lined up outside the outlet, the customary press conference session was held inside for members of media. The conference was joined by Mr. Kamil Othman of MSC’s Multimedia Development Corporation, Mr. Choon of TecAsia, Mr. Andy of, Mr. Andrew of PLAY Interactive, Mr. Nuruddin of Games Monster and Mr. Zainal a.k.a Ninja (aha!) of

Just before 11:00pm, PLAY Interactive announced that the game is now ready to roll out. The wait has finally offer and from the looks of everybody that lined up that night, it was a big relief and exciting at the same time. Sh1mX finally get to obtain his game after more than 15 hours waiting in front of TecAsia.

“OMG, I GOT SNAKEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” - Sh1mX. He doesn’t look tired even after 15 hours waiting on the line.

Towards the end of the event, all we can see are smiles from the gamers while clutching to their copy of MGS4.

How I Nearly Lost My Little Brother

Not my big brother, I don't have a younger brother, the other "little brother". The year 2004, while I rode my bicycle though the paths of the park, everything was fine until I hit an unseen rock at a fast speed. I was riding down a slope at the time. At the point of impact, the back wheel of my bike tilted 55 degrees upwards that caused me to fall downwards towards the front of my bike. The bicycle handle, now turned to the left, has its left edge pointing directly at me, right where my little brother was. I fell hard, impulses of pain rushed through me. A sharp pain was felt at the area, well you know where. I lied down on the ground covered with leaves for a moment, finally I mustered the strength to get up and carry my bike home. I went into the toilet, wondering if my b*lls were alright. They were. The handle missed by a few centimeters to the right where I had a nasty scrape wound.


Year 2001, I accidentally got superglue paste into my eye. As a result, my left eye was glued shut for half a day. Hot water fixed it...


Anthea(don't know if I spelled it correctly) used to be my tuition class mate in hmm, Standard 3. I used to win a lot of birthday games at the time. Andrew,me and my sister were invited to her birthday party one day. She was about 4 years younger than us, so we were the biggest kids at her party. When the games were played, small plastic chairs were used. During Musical Chairs, I broke a seat when I landed on the chair too hard. :( . I survived until the last round. Only she and I were left. Once, the music stopped, I forced myself onto the last chair pretty hard until she got knocked off and fell to the ground. Everybody gasped! She started sobbing......... So in the end she got the prize. Heheh, sorry Anthea!


Two weeks ago, I went to the barber with my shirt inside-out. I sat next to a guy who kept staring at me like some idiot. I only realized it when I was on the way home... -.-

Tissue Paper

A long time ago, when I was 5 years old..... I was so foolish. During a weekly assembly at the hall in Villa Maria, I saw a piece of tissue paper on the ground. Guess what, I ate it. I mean come on! I was just 5, and um.. yeah. Nuff said...

Bryan Ong

No offense to the real guy behind this pic, but the Bryan Ong I knew looked a bit like you. He looks just as stupid as you. Okay, Bryan Ong was this bully in my first year of kindergarten in Villa Maria. :D
He used to go in the same bus as me. He made me do all kinds of stupid things. Including doing multiplication homework at the age of 5!!! He thought me 2 multiplied by 2 and he used to boast he could carry out complexer multiplication problems. He used to give me homework that I couldn't do. Once, I even had to draw a car for him! But he complained that it had only two wheels because I drew the car sideways.

Finally, I figured that I could not let this go on any longer. The day I was deciding to report about him to my headmistress, there was a concert held at the hall. He was performing some weird dance. While he was dancing on the stage, he winked at me, innocently smiling sheepishly after that. He had no idea he was about to be expelled! No lah he was just suspended. I felt kinda guilty after he winked at me O.O. Anyway, he still got in trouble in the end.


Today....I scratched a lottery ticket....
I did not win.....


I recently found out I had a blog O.o. My last post was like what, 4 and a half years ago in 2004. Since I discovered it, I shall resume posting in it!

I don't know where to start...Maybe I won't post anything about the current happenings yet (until I feel like it). I'll just talk about many crazily random scenarios I have experienced in the past. When I'm done with them, I shall... err I don't know yet.

I'll just tell you about How I Appeared in the Newspapers. Oh! It's my one and only picture of fame. I'm sure many of you would have better happenstances like appearing on TV or something else. But this, it was an accident and as a "consequence" I was in the NEWSPAPERS!!! or rather just the back of my head...

Some time in May, around 8 in the morning in SKBB. I was Standard 1 at the time. My fellow classmates and I were in our class minding our own business when Mrs Koh, came into the class and made an announcement. She asked, "Who was the boy who did this blah blah dun remember.....asdasa?"

I didn't know why I did it, but I claimed that I was the boy she was looking for. She seemed a bit skeptical at first, but she finally decided to take me next door into another classroom. In that classroom, there were many people gathered at the back. There was a table with 3 chairs, 2 of which were occupied by other students. There were pieces of bright lego-like objects, and each of them were playing with their own sets of toys.

I didn't really know what was going on. Don't even understand what's the big deal. Shortly after I sat down on the empty seat, the newspaper crew started snapping photos of the three of us. "Great, what do I do now??!" I thought to myself. I needed to do something; anything, any sort of action because I was looking like a complete idiot sitting there idly. I reached my hand out for one of the other boy's weird-looking toy pieces and started playing it.

That guy got damn pissed and tried to take it away from me asking me to play with my own. I, of course, did not let him. A few minutes passed by and she took me back into my class. That's all. Ekekekek...

A few days later, my puzzled parents were asking wheter it was me in the article picture. It only had the back of my head so they didn't believe me. T_T