
Bryan Ong

No offense to the real guy behind this pic, but the Bryan Ong I knew looked a bit like you. He looks just as stupid as you. Okay, Bryan Ong was this bully in my first year of kindergarten in Villa Maria. :D
He used to go in the same bus as me. He made me do all kinds of stupid things. Including doing multiplication homework at the age of 5!!! He thought me 2 multiplied by 2 and he used to boast he could carry out complexer multiplication problems. He used to give me homework that I couldn't do. Once, I even had to draw a car for him! But he complained that it had only two wheels because I drew the car sideways.

Finally, I figured that I could not let this go on any longer. The day I was deciding to report about him to my headmistress, there was a concert held at the hall. He was performing some weird dance. While he was dancing on the stage, he winked at me, innocently smiling sheepishly after that. He had no idea he was about to be expelled! No lah he was just suspended. I felt kinda guilty after he winked at me O.O. Anyway, he still got in trouble in the end.


-Ee San- said...


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