

I recently found out I had a blog O.o. My last post was like what, 4 and a half years ago in 2004. Since I discovered it, I shall resume posting in it!

I don't know where to start...Maybe I won't post anything about the current happenings yet (until I feel like it). I'll just talk about many crazily random scenarios I have experienced in the past. When I'm done with them, I shall... err I don't know yet.

I'll just tell you about How I Appeared in the Newspapers. Oh! It's my one and only picture of fame. I'm sure many of you would have better happenstances like appearing on TV or something else. But this, it was an accident and as a "consequence" I was in the NEWSPAPERS!!! or rather just the back of my head...

Some time in May, around 8 in the morning in SKBB. I was Standard 1 at the time. My fellow classmates and I were in our class minding our own business when Mrs Koh, came into the class and made an announcement. She asked, "Who was the boy who did this blah blah dun remember.....asdasa?"

I didn't know why I did it, but I claimed that I was the boy she was looking for. She seemed a bit skeptical at first, but she finally decided to take me next door into another classroom. In that classroom, there were many people gathered at the back. There was a table with 3 chairs, 2 of which were occupied by other students. There were pieces of bright lego-like objects, and each of them were playing with their own sets of toys.

I didn't really know what was going on. Don't even understand what's the big deal. Shortly after I sat down on the empty seat, the newspaper crew started snapping photos of the three of us. "Great, what do I do now??!" I thought to myself. I needed to do something; anything, any sort of action because I was looking like a complete idiot sitting there idly. I reached my hand out for one of the other boy's weird-looking toy pieces and started playing it.

That guy got damn pissed and tried to take it away from me asking me to play with my own. I, of course, did not let him. A few minutes passed by and she took me back into my class. That's all. Ekekekek...

A few days later, my puzzled parents were asking wheter it was me in the article picture. It only had the back of my head so they didn't believe me. T_T


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