
Two phones got stolen today

Argh, today we went out to swim at bsc. When Ashvin, me and my bro arrived to meet jon and yugan at the pondok just outside the compound, we noticed two unusually friendly malay guys sitting there talking to them. We thought it was okay since Yugan and Jon would know them better considering they were there first.

"Eh, you Cina ke? *points at Ashvin*
you christian ke?"

Then he said that they were waiting for their friend to come join them for tennis.

"Sudah dua bulan tak main tau, dah dua bulan. Tolong boleh saya call dia datang tak??"

Next, he asked to borrow my brother's phone. He dialed on it and a few seconds later he said that the number he's calling was busy so he gave it back. We silently found it funny that the guy was repeating his statements unusually several times, we weren't even suspicious of him. Minutes passed by and we decided to go somewhere else while waiting for the pool area to be opened.

While walking away from bsc, at the T junction, they quickly came up to us from behind. They were on a motorcycle and he asked to borrow the phone one last time. My brother handed it over to the guy while Yugan, Ashvin and I stepped a few feet back from where Jon, Andrew and the motorcyclists were. Asshole #1 was asking whether my brother's phone was prepaid or postpaid while Asshole #2 looked quite nervous, I caught a glance of him watching us for awhile. My brother said it wasn't prepaid so he started asking for Jon's phone, saying that he wanted to save more money by using a prepaid phone. He kept my brother's phone in his arm while he reached out for Jon's phone. Jon hesitantly handed it over to him.

The next thing we know, we were watching Jon standing in front of the motorcycle, blocking them from trying to escape. We didn't know what was going on until they intimidated Jon out of the way and fled. Ashvin, Yugan and I felt damn angry after that because we knew we could have done something to those guys if Andrew or Jon could have some noise rather than keeping quiet. We thought that they had already handed the phones back to them and Jon was just playing a fool with them. Infact, Jon was smiling at them and saying "Janganlah.."

Anyway, Jon's grandparent's house was a few houses away so Andrew and Jon went and called their parents to cancel the SIM cards. The thought of them trying to steal our phones were in our minds in the beginning but they were quickly crossed out because we thought Yugan and Jon would know better. After that, I felt like kicking down any motorcycle that I see, hoping that the riders might be the culprits.


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