
Stuff and Stuff

Woah, quite some time since my last post. On to the update..

20th December

Ashvin, Gav, Ray, Andrew, Weng and I went for Jon's Christmas dinner where we had a lot of fun singing Christmas carols with a bunch of "Churchy" people who then tried to convert a few of us after that.

We tried as hard as we can to contain our laughter when we were singing the part where we had to repeat the lyrics "yes lord, yes lord, yes, yes lord!" many times all over again until it sounded like we were crying out in orgasm. Lol! XD

Listened to a funny speech by a woman member of the church. Emphasizing the word "come" so much like "da lord cum into da world" =D

Anyway, took off for CC around 9.30 and played and played and played and played... After that we stopped by at the famous coffee shop for their drinks then proceeded back on to Jon's house and watched a scary movie.

Jon teached me a few basic notes on guitar

(click "read more")

For the next few days..

we spent hours playing pool or billiards in Canteena


so hard to see this black dude

25th December 

A day trip to Ipoh with my family proved much more fun than I actually thought XD. Stopped in Bidor and ate then went on to Teluk Intan in hopes of trying the famous "chi chong fan". We left for Ipoh at 3.30 after discovering the place was a shack that opens only at 7.

In Ipoh, we sought the help of our family friends and they took us to a very nice restaurant at the foot of the Kledang hill where the famous Menglembu peanuts are farmed. =D Food was really good!

The same night, Barat arrived home from London.

Went to Old Town White Coffee for a little dessert after that.

26th December

Endless Zombie Rampage ohohoho!!

29th December

First time in two years since my family and I watched a movie at the cinema together. Avatar was good, but slightly predictable though..

30th December

Was supposed to join Lydia, Nat, Shannon, Shipren and Jasmeet for lunch at Chillis, Bangsar but they decided to change it to Mid Valley instead. So we went there and ran into Weng and all a couple of times. Weng wanted to go out on the very same day cause he just came back from Singapore and hasn't watched a movie for 3 long weeks.

31st December

Bangsar's so dead. =(