
Another Update

23rd January

Bought Modern Warfare 2!!! (finally).

Rio De Janeiro

23rd January

Lincoln Memorial

40 miles east of Petropavlovsk, Russia

Finished Modern Warfare 2!! =D

25th January

I cut my own gum while chewing ice in Pelita.

 26th January

Akhil is a dumbass for distracting me in class until I got in trouble with teacher.Got stung by some weird insect at my foot.

27th January

Akhil is such a dumbass again by holding me accountable for a really stupid question he asked to the SAME teacher whom he got me in trouble with. He did that right after she picked on me and gave the whole class a long lecture hinting to what had happened the day before.

28th January

Got scolded for smiling.


a game bug