
Talented Gay

Chris Crocker - This & That

That's the title of Chris Crocker's first ever video on youtube (correct me if I'm wrong). That... is just scary.. O.o.

He really confuses me about the fact that he's making a lot of money from his videos on youtube at the cost of using a stage name (okay maybe that's fine), living in much privacy and getting so much hate along with death threats. But, you gotta give him credit for being a very intelligent and creative video producer on youtube.

I wonder, how does he live normally? He's in the mid-west, the "bible-belt" where they greatly discriminate against homosexuals.. Most of his videos are shot with him under a sheet of blanket. GAH, very disturbing..

Relative Coming

We don't hate you *cough*

Remember my old post about this Chinese guy? Yeah, he's coming back here at the end of the year and I'm looking forward to it. Slightly

afraid though.. =(

Yeah.. Michael Jackson's This is It song is releasing on October 12th which so happens to be the same day as my birthday. XD

And, I saw this video a couple of months ago, didn't know that it could go as viral as it just did. Here's the link of a rapping flight attendant.


Ivy's in her Adam Lambert t-shirt

Enthusiasm is a funny thing. One day you might feel all excited posting and then the next you don't. At times I wonder, should my posts be concise or filled with extra information? 

Omg yuck, self-reflections make me feel uneasy. They're a no-no for blog posts, aren't they?

Also because nobody wants to read posts full of petty maledictions.. do they??

I miss Comunity Channel on youtube. :( Anyways, PMR is coming really soon.. Off to go study now. Oh, and I find premier football funner than stupid football fantasy..

AVON the next Umbrella?

Now this really creeps me out.. On youtube I found some startling alikeness/similarities between cosmetics company AVON and the fictional Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil.

It all started out with this Resident Evil : Apocalyspe fake commercial trailer on youtube. Check it out. =O

"The new Avon thing looks like the T-Virus also it looks closer to the Regenerate thing in this very ad" - MacBookGuy91
"Umbrella Corporation definetely exists. NO DOUBT about it. The question is under which name ?" - Teaautomat
"Avon." - angelposer890
"LOLOLOL Avon " - crazy9191

Then compare it to This. Disturbingly similar.. O.O The bluish T-virus vial

and both products' roles were the same.

"this is different from the other one this one doesn't bring dead cell back to life thank god" - firekevin456789123

Ahaha. XD

Sir Winston! =D

nice badge

Saw this clever saying at an indonesian cuisine.. Also reminded me of the Winston Churchill saying that goes like this :

Bessie Braddock: Sir, you are drunk.

Churchill: And you, madam, are ugly. But in the morning, I shall be sober. =P

Another funny saying from him :

Young man (after seeing Churchill leave the bathroom without washing his hands): At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet.

Churchill: At Harrow they taught us not to piss on our hands.

Maybe girls wouldn't understand this. LOL, Winston Churchill is the man! Cos he does not need to wash his hands after peeing.

Poem Filler


To My Alarm Clock
© By Anonymous

Every morning I lie there innocently sleeping
When the peace is ruptured by a horrible beeping.
My serenity ripped asunder, sudden and drastic
By this evil, demonic, red-eyed piece of plastic.

I roll over in pain and pound on the snooze,
Groaning, moaning, thinking 'What's there to lose?'
'Don't make me get up, just nine minutes more.'
The same thing I've said every morning before.

It's not that I hate mornings or dread the new day.
It's just that I loathe waking up in this way.
I'd much rather simply rise up with the light,
Glowing in the window, chasing away the night.

But the sudden screaming, the incessant fuss,
Makes me want to yell and cry and simply to cuss.
Especially the knowledge that all of my sorrow
Will be repeated the same time, same way, tomorrow.

Second Filler

I iz like d beefballzz =O

Nuff said.

Savory Coke

Went to MCDs to take away dinner because my parents were still full from the late lunch. Had to wait an extra 15 minutes for just one apple pie, so the guy

filled up a pitifully tiny cup of what looked like foamy

liquid at first for me while I wait. Got me a bit excited there for a second but it turned out to be ordinary black coke. =S

Since the wait was so long, I had to savor a trifling 120ml of coke. And surprisingly, it tasted significantly better than the last times. Maybe that's because I actually payed attention on what I was drinking because there was nothing else to do. But, WOW! Best coke of my life. =O

Even the coke that I had ordered did not taste as good. Haha. And, yeah. This just a useless 'filler' post. XD

And, uh. Futsal at BSC in the night is awesomely fun.

Snailz and Bot-flies

Nothing to come up with right now. So I guess I'll just go with snails.

Chunted Snail XD

Taken by Barathan who aspires to be the next top phone photographer.

Seeing this reminds me, I smashed a snail before and it was mostly  

gooey shit when I looked at it, apart from the shattered shell


she needs to clean her nails-  yuko225

After witnessing a hardly sanitary operation of extracting bot-fly larvaes. Eeeurgh.. >.<
Vid link here.

Google UFO?

Did you guys notice? On the 4th of September, google's main search page image was changed to that of a UFO beaming up the second 'o' in 'Google'.

And, I found another pic :

OMG.. Pouting his lips

Game will fail - me
No it wont you passive aggressive bitch. - craxis34
it wont fail <.< you suck man - onkelzfan100

 Replies to my comment on the RUSE Exclusive Trailer youtube video. I mean, wtf man?? They take it so seriously.. =.=


Watch out! ;)

"Watch out"?? What a lame attempt on a catchphrase, urgh.. =.=
Again, this pic was taken by Andrew who sensibly had the time to go  

dump his watch in a glass of water. And about watches,

Parvin's watch strap broke today while Akhil and I were trying to pin him down in class.

Anyway, he could still use it later to record his longest breath time at 1 minute 57 seconds, lol!

Road Rage!

Nothing much happening of late. PMR is looming around the corner. X.X


Hahaha this vid is so damn funny, lol! Click here for the link.

Speaking of which, does that picture remind you of Solomon Vandy from the film Blood Diamond? It sure does to me. XD

Maybe this will refresh your memory.

"you can see the gorilla in him!" - Africanjoe
 Watch see the full shovel scene here.

Andrew's Wicka Wow

 So what's been happening guys?

I assume you have already seen Andrew's Picasa album. If not, you can take a look at it here. Some pics are nice, but some pics aren't so they're all like rojak.

Well, at least I know that none of those pictures can beat  


 SuPahMoDoL! =O

Look at that, mmm mhmm! LOVE how the light falls radiantly on his skin, reflecting a sparkling white off his eyes.

It's unedited okay! Unlike most of his photos where he played with the contrast and light effects. He also looks as if he's staring right out of the screen into you, which I find a bit scary..

My Teacher's A Gamer

Woah, just found out that my Art teacher's a passionate gamer.. O.O

She brought her trusty pink dell notebook into class today, set it on my brother's table and showed us some of her favourite videos ranging from stuff

about dried ice to documentaries about creatures of the deep. Pretty boring, until she looked at me and asked me about games.

She revealed to me that she played quite a few popular online games in the past but COD4 remained to be her favourite. Woah! I would never have guessed her to be the gaming type, turns out she's even anticipating Diablo 3! =O

It felt awesome but strangely awkward at the same time because we were both relating to each other about games from teacher to student.

So I was really surprised because it was a teacher who knew the most about gaming than any other person in my class. XD

"am not being racist or anything but arent magicians supposed 2 b white and not pakis or indians" - PaulKings2009
After watching a youtube vid where the masked magician was revealed to be Val Valentino. lol



Andrew hates Picasa now because it destroys the quality of his pictures. Planning to add a photo stream of his undiscovered album in the sidebar soon..

He wants to share his new hobby with you guys.. How   

sweet.. =)

And, I gave RM5 of credit to some Indian guy yesterday..