

A few months ago, the late Mr. Bear suffered a horrible death by drowning.
We all mourned greatly for him.


Did you guys honestly believe that was the end? O.O
Awesome news! I have this feeling that Mr. Bear might be returning soon! XD

Now I'm gonna die.
Buh bye.

Chuck and Futsal

Admit it, you feel all warm and mushy about me!
Go ahead, say it, you love me,
John Casey!
- Chuck

Somehow the tv series, Chuck really appeals to me.. Just finished watching the 14th episode of Season 2 and now I'm not sure whether to continue watching megavideo's crappy out of sync video quality any longer.

But then again, it'll be 7 long weeks before AXN airs the 15th episode.. =S

Been playing futsal really often now that Ashvin's back. But I can't say that I share the same enthusiasm for futsal than I do with jogging, my shoes are broken thanks to futsal.

Getting afraid as school's returning soon, haven't even started exercising properly although I promised myself a few months ago that I was gonna start in December..


Weng's signing up for gym, I'm so proud of him. =D
I finally succeeded in blowing Barat's phone bill by answering his intended "overseas miss-calling" yesterday night.
This video, real or fake?


I laugh at the fact that we were publicly humiliated with our photos in the Low Yat forum, with the whole team being called noobs and -LYN- being amazingly glorified just because they beat a casual gaming team. 

Hell, they even made a transcript of the whole match that we were playing in.

They Are Gay.


Hmm, so Euvan, Weng, Andrew, Parvin, Gav and I went for the SAGC qualifiers this saturday in hopes of seeking world fame.

To our greatest of horrors, instead of the 16 teams that was listed in the official game's site, there were just 120 more people in addition. Say, about 40 teams were present.

The qualifiers were being held near One Utama, at Chronos Cafe which had a sufficient area to the promised 16 teams/80 people quota, but instead, was a hot sweaty prison for over 200 chinese gamers looking for gaming glory.

According to Euvan, he thinks the guy in the middle is on drugs

The marshals were kinda cool, the rules too. But lets not get into that because I know you wouldn't understand.. ;)

Anyway, we arrived there at around 9, but after hours and hours of waiting, we finally got to play at around 3.30 because our team's turn number was 35..

Gav, sadly didn't have a chance to play as he had to leave early at 2 for a wedding in Seremban.

While waiting for our turn to play, we built our confidence while watching noobs suck at the game. But when we finally got to play, our rivals were Low Yat sponsored gamers. They brought their expensive Razer mouses, custom pads, gaming keyboards and headphones.

We knew we were dead, first to 8 wins and we lost 8-0.

Humiliating, I know.
We took off hastily, causing Euvan to accidentally leave his jacket on his seat. He was reluctant to re-enter the cafe, afraid that the audience might start spitting on him.

Oh well, it was great experience after all.. =D


Aha! That's a new word I learned from Singaporean subtitles. I still don't know what it means though. After a few days in JB, I strangely find singaporean and indonesian actors alike extremely good-looking here.  I don't know why..

I had even come to like "Together", another singaporean series. Also due to the fact that it has the same production team as "Little Nyonya".

I'm starting to notice that Jackie Chan appears a lot on TV these days. No, he was not advertising Kaspersky by kicking viruses' butt this time. He was advertising Ba Wang shampoo. What has gotten into him?? The opening scene shows him and a girl practicing martial arts with swords and then later he used the sword to spread her hair. o.O

And that's only in one of the three advertisements that he starred in altogether. Lol! I still think that his best one was the Beijing 2008 Olympics Visa commercial.


Peanuts, only glorified XD


Currently I'm in JB for a wedding and won't be back till Sat. Kinda sucks that I'm gonna miss a couple of outings when I'm gone.. Oh wellz.

Argh, I find myself to be quite unlucky these days. Yesterday, I broke my mouse because the wire got caught by my door knob when I was carrying the laptop lazily without detaching the mouse.. And yesterday night, I accidentally pulled my phone violently while it was connected to the charger. So now my charger's gone too.. =.=

Right now I'm in coffee bean with Andrew alone killing time. (Yes, our parents don't love us) The wedding's about to begin in 2 hours.. So now i'm just gonna have a hard time playing SA with a stupid touch pad. =D


This cat nearly killed me
