
A bloody affair

[insert picture of wound here]

Hanging out in class after washing cars today when I suddenly thought of drawing. I took a piece of paper and pencil and started trying to draw a portrait of Jasmeet. That was when I noticed minute blood marks on my paper. What the hell? I thought.

First my towel, then my pillow, now on a freaking piece of paper? It didn't

come from my nose, that's for sure. The pimple blew up the other day.

Oh! It was just the scrape wound I got at the side of my palm when I was washing one of the cars.. XD


that's right, suck it


Coconut fact 1 : Malaysian coconuts suck.
Coconut fact 2 : Thai coconuts rock.

It's coconut joke time!

An old married couple was cleaning out their closet. After clearing out most of the junk, they found a shoe box with $10,000 and a coconut in it.

"Whats this?" the wife asked.
The husband replied, "Every time I cheated on you, I put a coconut in a shoe box."
"Well", said the wife. " I guess one coconut in 35 years isn't that bad. What's the money for?"
The husband admitted, "Everytime the box got full, I sold the coconuts."

Ohohoho! XD

Funny David after Dentist spoof

Sorry for the filler, some ass wanted an update. So here's the update, regardless. =P

Flu Shot

Ice Skating Rink

Was just about finished sleeping when I woke up to tiny splotches of blood on my pillow.. I rubbed my eye to take closer look. Holy shit! Is my head bleeding?! Oh, no. It was my nose pimple again. Heh. XD

Now here's the thing, time after time it tempts me to write about current events. But then I ask myself this, do they really interest people? Does reading out about things and happenings that other people have gone

through really interest people?

As far as I know, people who read this are those who know me and I bet if some stranger stumbles upon this he wouldn't pay much attention to it.

But then again, posting completely irrelevant and unrelated stuff are pretty pointless, aren't they? But all I wanna do is offer contrast to all those other blogs out there. From blog to blog you see the same thing, today I did this, today I did that.. To tell you the truth, there are only about a handful I read out there. The rest are kinda boring.. (not trying to attack any other bloggers)

Who knows, maybe I'm completely wrong about what I just said.. (?)

Andrew showed this to me and it's the most viewed video on youtube today. It's sad..
Cheerleader Gets Paralyzed by a Flu Shot

Awesome Harry

Just finished showering when I noticed fresh tiny splotches of blood on my towel. Yuck! That's just disgusting!

The most obvious idea came into my mind for a second there but was

quickly struck out as I realized the pimple on my nose was bleeding.. Phew.

Now, I want to introduce Harry to you. Andrew would love this.

Meet Harry Ratti

The hippest guy in school currently. Smart, cheerful, hot, charming and there is nothing that he can't do.
Plays sports ranging from ping pong to golf.
Mind-blowingly likes a different girl everyday.

Harry's Aston Martin

Did I mention he owns one? What a cool guy, eh?

 The next fabregas

He's the best person evar. The perfect candidate to woo.

Mooncakes, anyone? :(

Mooncakeeeee =O

Finally, blogger offered more than three picture sizes. Instead of the usual Small, Medium or Large, that pic is on X-Large, which is larger than large of course. XD

I know it's been a little while since the moon cake festival, and quite aware

to the fact that they have already stopped producing these awesomely delicious fares. I miss them.. Lotus paste single yoke, double yoke, triple yoke, quadruple yoke or just plain lotus, Me likey. XD

The only mooncake I have left right now is the mixed nuts flavor, the one which only old people like. My grandfather loves them.

Katy Perry sucks live because cause she "sets them down" in Starstrukk, I don't like her anymore.
Community Channel's getting fat but she's back.

Ball Balancing

Jon.. Haizz..

 As you can see from the thumbnail, it's a video of Jon getting hit by a car after a failed attempt of crossing the road while balancing a ball on his head.

Okay fine, it's nothing great. But that's all I can give for the sake of updating. Gosh.

Post-PMR's a blast. XD
Ray William Johnson too.


Pravin and Gavin

Brotherhood sounds so weird.. I'd have gone for brothership but there was no such word.. :(

Okay, to the point. Brotherhood is a beautiful thing. Look at that, awww.. Both of them, sitting together watching a hindi movie on Deepavali night.

Hahahah! No, I wasn't planning to do a post defining relationship between brothers.. Tonight got me thinking about this video. Watch from 1:06

onwards, I laughed till I teared at the drunk guy!

So why the title perhaps? Dunno, I just needed a title to go with the pic. XD


SuPahMOdoL!! =O

So Weng's about to follow andrew's footsteps in the modeling industry.. Not surprising for the guy who claims to have the same first name as my brother. XD

And, do you know about the popular girl band behind the famous but annoying Gee song (gee gee gee gee, baby, baby, baby, ) ? Weng's in love with this girl,

(I forgot her name)

This is getting gay.

101st Post!

Reached my hundredth post already.. It feels like it was only yesterday when I first started my blog. Ha! And I already have a hundred posts!!

Lol, just kidding. I'm freaking slow man..
I started this on the 13th of October (OMG that was yesterday? Shit), and it had to take me a year to reach this amount :(

So this is the post where I will pretend to be happy because I actually  

treat something like this as an accomplishment. YAY!


Err, studying environment?

Ahh.. Looks like there's only 4 days left to study..

This is the time when we intently hit the books to brush up on past chapters, afraid of the little details we might have missed out.

While you're at it too, you get a sudden realization, that studying like this isn't actually as hard as you thought?

Or, you still don't feel any sense of importance

in studying yet. You sign in every 20 minutes or so after staring at a book.

You set your status to "appear offline" because you're afraid of looking like an idiot using the computer this close to the major examination?

Yes, I'm an idiot blogging at a time like this.. =(
