

Yeahhh! This is the first time that any of my work had been video-reviewed! XD

You're wondering what sort of work, perhaps? Well.. I wanted to show a favorite video to Andrew so I searched my username in youtube and among the search results, there's this one video that caught my eye.. 

It was titled "Medal Of Honor Allied Assault- Test Crash" and it struck me with 

much familarity that it was the name the first map I had ever designed for Medal Of Honor 3 years ago in 2006! 

My heart leaped. I started watching the video and there it was, this 14 year old guy reviewing my screwed up map that I had submitted. =D

Then I went back to the old site where it was submitted and it had surprisingly good comments! ^^


Woah, I just rediscovered my first website/fansite I had created back in 2004! =O At that time I was a nut for Starcraft so it was aptly named Starcraftgoods. :D

Interesting to think that I was so engrossed in editing my website that I even added fake banners, a background soundtrack, a downloads section and even extended it to a second domain!

Ahh, brings back old memories.. was so cool for me. It was where I started to really learn about HTML.. Now all I can really remember subjectively is making a hyperlink.. Argh..


Hmm.. Never knew such things as a lightbox existed.. I had always wondered how they produce pictures of phones with nothing else but a white background..

Well, now I know that they do it in a lightbox.

With Andrew's enthusiasm for photography of late, he even constructed his own lightbox out of a cut up tissue box and A4 papers. XD

Pretty good job for a homemade lightbox eh? Sad that we didn't have enough light sources to completely erase the shadows..


Hehahehoo, he looks funny here

Stare at it for awhile, it gives you some mysterious mona-liza vibes. He's smiling, isn't he? Or is he sad? :O

Weng's back.. I guess that means he didn't win it eh... Nvm, you did good! And you didn't have to keep it from your own brother.

And, I have been warned by UMG for using a copyrighted audio in my youtube vid. =.=


Exactly what I'm craving for right now.. :(

Damn, can't stop eating and eating lately.. Currently addicted to Satu Malaysia as well as being surprised that we could actually produce a decent song.

Hmm, looks like that's all.. Off I go now to pwn Andrew's ass in Starcraft, 11 years since its release and still running strong. XD


Woke up to a blackout early in the morning. Nothing to do so I took picture of a candle. :D Had to decrease the exposure like hell just to see the shape of the flame.

Argh! A huge pile of books tumbled down on my laptop just

now, leading to a noticeable crack on my unprotected screen.

And, my sis's blog is now private again. o.O


PMR starts on the 7th of October, and that's in 45 days!

Damn, time is running out.. :O Oh well, I'm just gonna start on the first of next month.

Hmm, Gav got hit in the balls today. Could tell it that it really hurt with his expression. The look on his face literally made everyone chortle, Barat the most. Karma struck him later as he fell attempting to jump over a railing. XD

Just Great.

I hate just how people so blindly think highly of themselves.

I hate how people bid the most pity for the smallest of things.

I hate the fact that the people who grumble the most eventually gets their way whereas the ones who faultlessly chose to be quiet are left alone or even more so misunderstood.

Well isn't that a load of pure SHIT. Or is it?
Woops sorry, I got too excited with font sizes and styles just now. I just learned html.

It's disgusting to see so many people trying to be mavericks. There are people who try to be philosophical and on all counts fail. And there are others who are blatant attention-seekers.

So if you think that I'm just talking crap, go die. What I say is the truth, that's life. Yup. Scratch that. First of all, self-reflecting is not making yourself any less half-witted than the others who miserably fail at making some kind of "i'm emo, cause that's life" message.

You're pissed. That's just it. Keep it to yourself you fucktard.
Oops, sorry. It's just that there's so many people like you out there trying to display some kind of "difference" that happens in your life as if God is out to get you, and I had never once talked about it.

Maybe it's just true that we have to voice out because there's just no other way for us to be heard. Grow up. =.=

Melaka Street

Argh, pic turned out terrible..
Oh well, restaurant has a nice name though. :D

Oh, and my sis's blog is now public..

Table Baby

Sooo cute isn't it? At first I thought the baby passed out or something..
Was eating at Station 21 with Ray and Barat when we saw a baby sleeping on the table while his parents were eating.

Fire Fire

When Andrew and I were young, we were so curious and used to play with fire ALOT! (Secretly of course, mostly when our parents weren't home)

We would collect dried up leaves in our garden and started burning them. XD

So one day, we were bored, Andrew held a pile of tissue in his hand while I lighted it up with a match heheh. But, instead of doing it in the safety of our garden, it was in our bedroom!

The tissue started spreading fiercely and Andrew's hand was getting hotter and hotter. He panicked, squealed, and quickly dumped it into the trash bin. We thought that the fire would have been put out, but it grew a feet tall and it scared the shit out of us!

We both started screaming and then we ran out of the room to go downstairs looking for our maid. No sign of her in the living room, so we went to the kitchen and the back porch but she still wasn't there.

We ran back up into the room and the fire was BIGGER! Then luckily, our maid heard us and came out of my parent's room. (god knows what she was doing in there, probably stealing some money =.=)

We watched as she quickly carried it with her hands, leaving behind a brownish wall, into the toilet and put it out with the sink tap water.

Hurray! Our maid saved us. But she still sucks. ;)

Yut Kee

Just ate Hainanese-Western food in Yut Kee at Jalan Dang Wangi, formerly known as Jalan Campbell the other morning. They served great food. And it's an 81 year old restaurant! :D


Their toasted bread and half-boiled eggs really rocked!

One thing I liked a lot about Yut Kee is that they serve really authentic Hainanese and western style food, partly because their founder is from Hainan. XD

Among their specialties are :
Pork Chop, Chicken Chop, Beef Noodles, Marble Cake, Kaya rolls, half-boiled eggs and more. Ahh.. I just love them!

Congratz to Weng

Don't mind the big nose, he was face-warped.

Weng is currently ranked first in Malaysia!!

Congratulations to Weng for winning a 6 day 5 night travel award to the Pokémon Trading Card Game World Championships to be held August 13–15, 2009, at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, in San Diego, California!!

This is something he is really embarrassed about, but come on! To all those people who laughed at the idea that he competes in Pokemon tournaments, see if you can beat him yourself.
All the best Weng! XD

Urban Prophet

Woah, one day I was so bored that I started playing flash games on my new notebook because it's not even powerful enough to play any decent graphical games.

After several minutes playing sidescrollers, base defense, stickman and zombie-killing games did I suddenly recall URBANPROPHET!

Probably you won't have any idea what I'm talking about.
You see, there's this indy flash maker from Quebec, Canada by the name of Urbanprophet who made this phenomenal hit flash game called Urbanslug.

A million users in just a month after its release, now that's something. It hooked so many users including Andrew and I! XD

He even establish a decent fan community website for his work at

Back in 2005, Andrew and I were constantly participating in countless of forum discussions, polls and suggestion threads. We were so in love with the concept of the game and we dreaded each version release. In fact, we were one of the first few who followed the site from the start.

As we watch the site expand in users, anticipated each version release - Urbanslug 2, Urbanslug 2.1, Urbanslug 2.2 and even got to play his side projects, a flash trading card game called Gekisen and a vietnam war game called Mud and Blood, things got boring for us.

We got tired of waiting for each game to come out. They usually took somewhere around four to six months and in late 2006, we grew up. Before we left the site for good, we "cracked".

We wanted to sign off with a bang. Years of hard-earned reputation as two of the top users at the site was gone in an instant. We abused the forum. We started a thread, claiming that his games suck and asked people to join our cause. Regrettably, call it childish as you may ;D, we used vulgarities and our accounts were banned in a short amount of time. If I recalled correctly, we had our IP address banned temporarily too XD

I'm surprised that he's still doing this after these years, so if you guys wanna try those flash games and see what I mean, click the link above.


Taken at Mum's Place somewhere in damansara jaya i think.. It was on the wall beside the entrance to the washroom. Lol, a waiter actually thought I was trying to take a picture of the toilet bowl.


Ahh.. bored.. So I'm just gonna post pictures for the sake of updating. Last month, I had to write 500 lines, Pn. Azirah's punishment for not finishing her homework. =.=