
Power Run, MSSMKL and Sports Day

Just went through a really "sporty" first week of the month. XD

Starting with the latest..

March 6th
I had mixed feelings after Sports Day

It was fun, but somehow felt a little unsatisfying.. =/

Came to school early to get dressed with the shirts, props and banners but it started raining heavily not long after that. Such a downer as we had to wait for it to stop, while knowing that we'd be marching and running on a paddy field not long after that.

80m track

Shortly after marching, the 80m sprints began. Nothing was wrong except that it was bit muddy. As soon as the 200m events began, people started to question the cones which represent the starting points as they appeared really far apart. We had quartermasters and officials present who claimed that they did accurate measurements about the track.

starting point gap in the 200m events

So the first 200m event began, and if I'm not mistaken it was the U-15 girls category.. Our temenggung runner on the 1st lane slipped at the end of the first curve while the runners on the second last and last lane got 2nd and 1st respectively as they were well clear of the muddy turning point, leading many to believe that the distance between the starting points were unfair.

Whether if it was unfair or not, I got tired and just continued watching most of the athletes of the first lane get into some sort of trouble in many races..

Temenggung lost to Syahbandar in the end and apparently they didn't count marks for cross country cause if they did, we would have won by a lot.. Haihh..

Spent the most of the first week of March at MSSMKL

March 1st

Felt so relieved after finding out that I didn't have to run any events because my legs were aching.. =S
Cheered for our school's athletes.

March 2nd

Didn't have any events again.. Yugan went for long jump, Abhi had 400m sprinting. The guys had 4x100m events.
Cheered for our school's athletes.

March 3rd

Jasreel and I had a terrifying wait for our 1500m event which only began at 4 in the evening! Spend most of the time chilling out at the SMK Sri Permaisuri's canteen.. Khishan is damn horny. Watched 4x100m finals. Jazreel and I ended up last and 2nd last respectively in 1500m. =D Left the stadium at 5, went to tuition at 5.30... Arghh

March 4th

Unexpectedly had to go for MSSMKL for the 4th time because Jasreel, Yugan, Hafizani and I got drafted in for the 4x400m event at the last minute.. Azrul and the gang who were supposed to take part in it pulled out because they were exhausted and wanted to earn points in the school's raptai for sports day. The 4x400m event was due at 9.30. 

We reached at 7.50 and spent most of the time warming up and discussing our running and receiving techniques. Yugan had a lot of problems finding for a pair of spikes and managed to find one just 20 minutes before it began. Runners from first to last : Me, Yugan, Zani, Jasreel. After all the hype and stuff, we got last.. =D

It was 10.45, Yugan and I decided to take off on foot for the Salak South station in hopes of making it for the sports dry run. After 20 minutes of walking, we took the LRT to the Masjid Jamek station and made an unnecessary walk to Central Market to continue on to Bangsar.

Bought an old town mocha drink to accompany me for another 15 minute walk under the hot sun all the way back to school. Reached school at 12, was fooling around in the Teratak when I accidentally cut my under-thigh and calf by a faulty sharp-edged metal chair. Went straight to the clinic to bandage the gash and returned to school again at 1.50 for my house's marching rehearsal. =S

March 5th

Last sports dry run after assembly until 11. Tug-O-war for the losing bracket began at around 12. L1 and P1 Temenggung was against Syahbandar for the 3rd position. Both our categories lost..

February 28th

Went for Power Run with Ivy and Andrew

Hardest cross country track ever, and I thought our school's route this year was bad enough. I finished in 55 minutes although it was a 6.2 km track! We ran in the jungle for the majority of the time! Really windy, narrow dangerous, steep routes and human traffic jams. Apparently the track was converted from the world-renowned mountain biking route and it was also the most we have ever suffered / sweated. My whole pants was literally dripping of sweat. My sister finished in an hour and 5 minutes but she got 5th in her category.

The lunch coupon in my trousers was stuck to the pocket and tore as i tried taking it out to redeem it.. Cold milo and meehoon never tasted so good! XD

Hopefully we can do better for Towerthon on the 21st.. =D