
Car Fan Belt

On the way to JB late last year, at a Senawang rest stop, some idiot low life shithead sneaked under the car and broke the car's fan belt while the rest of my family was away. I was the only one in the car but I wasn't really aware. This went unnoticed at first.. until a few minutes later along the way, we noticed that the car's air conditioner can't seem to get any colder.

We stopped at the nearest rest stop and we learned that something was missing from the fan under the hood.. Later, some chinese guy approached us and offered help, he was soft-spoken and looked queer.. My father turned down the offer.

A few minutes later, while my father was trying to contact our mechanic, an indian man approached, again offering help. He claimed that he had a friend in the nearby town, and said that he could call his friend to help us. Again, my father declined. He tried again, to offer help but was refused again by my father.

I watched as he returns to his car. He had stopped on the opposite side of the highway! He had to cross two heavy traffic paths, just to get to his car. I started wondering how in the world did he know we were in trouble when he was on the other side of the highway, and why would he be so kind to offer help.

30 minutes later, the friendly tow truck arrived and towed the car to a mechanic in the nearby town. After talking with the mechanic there, it turned out that our type of case were very common throughout the area. o.O

There are many syndicates in the area who prey on people like us. They would mark a target, send a person to sabotage, and another to offer help. The indian and chinese guys who approached us must be in on it! That explains how he knew that we were in trouble although he was on the other side.

The mechanic also told us that if we had agreed to let those guys help us, they would have brought us to a mechanic who would have scammed us for much more, say RM2000 or they will never let us go.. O.O Btw, the fan only costed 200 bucks to fix. Lucky us XD


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