
Worst Illness Experience

Ahh, finally got well from that torturing food poisoning (or dyspepsia I think). 

Exactly a week ago in the evening, I had just finished jogging with my sister at the hill in Mont Kiara when I bought a bottle of soya bean drink from the stall nearby. That drink made my stomach bloat later that night and at about 4am the next day I started vomiting, followed by diarrhea. I think I vomited about 8 times at that following day, I had a bad case of diarrhea too.

Everyday, I would feel dizzy and out of balance. Vomiting and crapping became very frequent. I would always prefer to sit or lie down as walking became such a chore. On the second and third day, all I ever ate was a few tablespoons of porridge, hardly enough to satisfy what my body need. I developed a fever around the third or forth day as I had eaten very little due to the constant bloat I felt on my belly.

Even waiting in the clinic's lobby put me into maximum discomfort. All this happened because of a stupid 750 ml bottle I drank. My sister narrowly escaped all this when she originally chose the soya bean but switched it later to a herbal drink.


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