
My Evil Maid

My maid.... is evil....
So why do I have a picture of a construction guy? Well, you see. My evil maid has committed a few foul acts. For example, she stole some money from the house when my parents were not at home. She would enter my parent's room with a broomstick and come out of it without the room getting any cleaner. She had done this bravely right in front of me, and I was too young and stupid to suspect her although my father had always asked me whether anyone had been into his room.

The second crime she had committed was when we were staying at our old house at Jalan Tempinis 4 (if i spelled that correctly). My sister got very sick with fever one day. There was a construction site next door, and my siblings and I slept earlier than usual... The next day, my sister told me that the maid had secretly brought in an unknown man into the room. My sister thought it was a dream because she was only half-conscious at the time.

And then my grandfather reported that he also heard something strange going on in our room. This is when the picture of the construction man comes into play. She must have brought him over to our house through the balcony as the balconies were not that far apart. So she must have brought him in and had *** with him or rather a long make-out session. Have I mentioned that she's married?? How dare her!! Shame on her. And my sister witness the whole thing. Sickening to think of it..

Third crime, right before she was going to leave for a month's holiday in Indonesia, she requested to borrow a considerable amount of money. My parents, however saw this coming and gave her a smaller amount. Ever since she left, she did not come back. She was planning to keep the money all along!! While in Indonesia, she had broken all contact with us. We can't reach her on the phone as she had probably changed her SIM card.

This is clearly a contract violation in the law of err, immigrant maids?? Furthermore, if we make a police report about her desertion, we as the employers would be fined. Hmph, only a year later she sent an SMS to my mom's phone.
It read :
halo, apa khabarr majikanku. namaku sbnarnya Amelia bukan Sumitri. haha ko tertipu bdoh orngnya namatu, apa bisa khbr Andrew,Ivy sama Bryan. sori ya..


giuliana gan giannelli said...

omg!! your maid is such a bitch! if i were you.. i would have gone to indonesia, give her a NICE HARD SLAP, give her a freakin piece of my mind, and once that's done... puncture her car tires! lol (i would doubt that she even has a car)

Farra said...

lol giuli

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