

Today, Jon being himself took my pants down in public while we were all in bangsar village three times in a row and I got caught lying to my tuition teacher because I did not finish three separate exercise homework in three different books. I ate my dinner at 10PM which is an hour after my tuition is supposed to end. I spent my dinner in the frontseat of the car eating fried rice with my bare hands taken away from Sin Lai Ping in front of Nasi Kandar Pelita where my sis had gone out to take away fried rice too.


Filza Athira Juhari said...

"I spent my dinner in the frontseat of the car eating fried rice with my bare hands taken away from Sin Lai Ping in front of Nasi Kandar Pelita where my sis had gone out to take away fried rice too."

- I find that amusing, somehow (:

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