
Spiderman Poster

2004, I was a crazy spiderman fan at that time. During tae kwon do class in school one afternoon, I found a cool spiderman 2 poster sitting by the window at the school hall. I kept my eye on it throughout the whole class, planning to grab it right after the session ended. After the bell rang, I ran towards it, snatched it and started running away. Then I was caught by a chinese boy right outside the hall, he was angry and super-pissed; claiming it was his so I gave it to him right away and started to flee in embarrassment..

Weird Fall

At the park today, I was sitting on the railing at the bicycle track when I accidentally leaned back too far. Instinctively I grabbed onto the railing with my two hands, the backwards swinging velocity of my body pushed me (I did not let go of the railing)till I swung two loops around the railing before falling down and scraping my elbow slightly.

Eagle Ranch

In P.D, I

participated in a 17-men paintball match,
shot my mom,
got shot my mom,
played volleyball,
played basketball,
had fun competing in an obstacle course race in a 10-men team,
accidentally asked for pork in a mamak shop,
stayed in a holiday bungalow,
and waited an hour and 45 minutes just to play 5 minutes of go-kart.

It was a lot of fun for a day and a half trip.

Video Game And Celebrity Lookalikes!

Heres a little feature showing various Video game and Celebrity lookalikes from around the web! Some of them appear to be blatant, direct rip-offs!

Auron (Final Fantasy) & Bruce Willis

Big Boss (MGS3) & Kurt Russel

Maria (Silent Hill 2) & Cameron Diaz

Jennifer (Clock Tower) & Jennifer Connelly

Dhalsim (Street Fighter) & Ghandi

Colin Farrow (betrapped) & Brendan Fraser

Big Boss (MGS3) & Kurt Russel

Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) & David Bowie

Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) & George Clooney

Revolver Ocelot (MGS4) & Stan Lee

Red (Red Dead Revolver) & Clint Eastwood

Mcarra (Navy Moves) & Arnold Shwarzenegger

True Crime: Streets of La & The Replacement Killers

Kevin Ryman (Resident Evil) & Tom Cruise

Solid Snake (Metal Gear) & Kyle Reese (Terminator)

Some of them really looks alike, don't you agree??!